Young God (one shot)

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A/N; I've been in a stalker mood so here's a one shot with Stalker!Lucifer.

Warning smut-ish?Nah it's not even that 😂

He says ❝ oh babygirl you know we're gonna be legends
I'm the king and you're the queen and we will stumble through heaven
If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes
I know you wanna go to heaven but you're human tonight


"Mom, yes mom, okay mom, mom, okay, yeah , no mom , please hang up." I groaned as my mother continued asking questions. With a shared I love you, we both hung up. Today was my second day at university and my mom was a bit overprotective and told me that I could stay home forever. I was an innocent church girl who knew 'nothing' about drugs, parties, rape and now I'm on my own, that honestly scared my mom to death.

I raced down the long corridor trying to get to class already late because my roommate was a total jack in the box and didn't wake me up like I had asked her. I stumbled into the class and came face to back with the teacher as he wrote on the massive board . "Your late, stay after Ms. Y/L/N." He said without turning to face me which was creepy. The class boomed with laughter as I blew a piece of hair out of my face before finding an empty seat in the back.

"Hey I'm Charlie." A girl with red hair held out her hand as I took a seat next to her. "Y/N." I smiled shaking her hand. "You're really pretty." Charlie said biting her lip as she stared at me . "Oh-I-um -like-not-girls." I stuttered blushing like a mad man. "Oh my god, I'm sorry it's just that you give off this lesbian vibe and god I'm sorry." It was Charlie's turn to blush as she released my hand. "What?" I asked confused. What lesbian vibe did I give off? Was it the oversized hoodie I got from my brother? (Don't have one? Roll with it) was it the black vans on my feet? Or was it that I had no make up on. "Okay class pay attention, you'll be seeing this later on in the school year." The teacher interrupted and I immediately gave him all my attention. God he's hot, those dark blue eyes , those biceps ripping through his button down shirt is not helping , oh sweet virgin Mary! Those red lips ! My thoughts began to become dirty as I imagined him slamming me against a wall and just slowly kissing away my innocence. I crossed my legs as I bit my pencil, this is going to be a long day.

After class was over I sat in my seat debating if I should run out and hopefully never see that sexy sex god in my life again and yeah my mom is an amazing cook I guess I wouldn't mind staying with her for the rest of my life. I grabbed my stuff ready to bolt out of the classroom when the door opened. My Y/E/C eyes met blue and My breath literally caught in my throat as I started at him. He was obviously sin on legs. "Come here princess." He called with a wicked smirk on his face. My legs moved on they're own I had no Control ( Louis go back to you're own story punk😑 XD) over my own body. "Sit on my desk would you love?" He asked his voice soft and smooth unlike earlier. I did as told not having a choice. "You wanna know something princess?" He asked bringing his lips close to my ear and a Shriver was sent through out my body.

"Wh-What?" I stuttered my fingers shaking with anxiety. "I love cooperating innocent souls." He smirked again placing his hands on my hips. "I've had my eye on you for a little." He said running his free hand up my clothed thigh. "I know you want to go to heaven, I know you're so innocent and I just want to fuck it right out of you." He growled lowly causing me to groan sexually frustrated . "What do you want love?" He asked kissing my neck softly making me moan and beg. "I-I want to go to heaven." I whimpered as much as I wanted to sin I couldn't throw away a life time of Christianity for such a sin. ❝ I'm the king of everything and oh, my tongue is a weapon
There's a light in the crack that's separating your thighs If you wanna go to heaven you should fuck me tonight.❞ he chuckled and at that moment, I knew I was dealing with the one and Only Lucifer.

A/N: Fuck Halsey for getting her stupid fucking song stuck in my head DX

Omg young god is so good guys like where tf has this song been my whole life 💁

Lucifer Imagines spn (Major Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora