Chapter 29~Gone

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I helped Kenzie wash the dishes and went to my room to shower and change.I went back to Mateo's room and grabbed a letter jacket with his name imprinted on the back and pulled it on.I let my hair down and put on mascara and lipgloss before leaving the room to find everybody waiting outside the door for me.

"Are you ready?" Kenzie asked softly.I took a deep breath and slowly nodded my head.She gave me a small smile and took my left hand while Alex took my right.We started to walk towards the infirmary and The Don walked up to us.

"May I join you?" He asked looking at me.

"Please." I whispered giving him a small smile.He nodded his head and walked besides us.I took a deep breath as we made it to the door.

"Are you sure your ready?" Alex asked as he reached for the doorknob.I took a deep breath and nodded my head.He opened the door and sat me in one of the chairs as the Don went to go get the doctor.

"If you change your mind say so." Kenzie said softly.

"Okay." I whispered running a hand through my hair.The Don came back with the doctor and he started to lead us to the morgue.He walked up to a drawer that had Mateo's initals on it and started to pull it open.My breath hitched in my throat and I turned around just as he pulled it open all the way.

"I can't do this I change my mind." I cried shaking my head as I started to sob.

"Phoenix you'll be okay." Kenzie said walking in front of me and wrapping her arms around me.I nodded my head and let her turn me around to look at the body.I nodded my head and the doctor started to pull the blanket away from his face.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked slowly taking my eyes off of the tray and looking at the doctor.

"I'm sorry?" The doctor asked clearly confused.He turned around to look at the body and his jaw dropped.

"You told me he was dead." I said trying to keep my anger inside.

"I-I." He looked between me and the tray as if he didn't believe it himself.

"You came out and said he was gone-you said he was dead." I said taking a step towards him.The windows busted open as the wind started to pick up.

"Phoenix." Alex called out.I flicked my wrist and the doctor flew against the wall.I slowly walked up to him and his eyes immediatly watered.

"Regina, per favore, non intendevo rispetto." He said shaking his head.

"He says he didn't mean any disrespect." The Don translated but I didn't care.

"If he isn't here then where the hell is he?" I asked as I reached him.

"Regina, non so che lo giuro. Abbiamo fatto l'intervento chirurgico e quando è finito sono venuto a raccontarti la notizia, dopo che tutti se ne sono andati l'ho portato qui." He blurted.

"He said Queen I don't know I swear.We did the surgery and when it was over I came to tell you the news, after everybody left I brought him here.That's all I know I swear." The Don said.

"Phoenix you need to calm down." Kenzie said softly.

"Calm down?Kenzie I just found out Mateo's body is gone.If he isn't here where the hell is he?The only way to figure that out is to talk to the last person who saw him and who is that?HIM." I said turning to face her and pointing to the doctor.Glass shattered as I screamed the last part and her eyes widened as she looked at me.I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair before leaving the room.I walked to the backyard and dropped to my knees as I started sobbing.

"Phoenix?" The moon goddess said from behind me.I turned to look at her as she slowly walked up to me.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly.

"Mateo's body is gone and I don't know what that's supposed to mean." I whispered as I stood up.

"What?" She asked in shock.I shook my head as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Phoenix." Kenzie said as her and the others stepped outside.I pulled away from the moon goddess and she wiped the tears off of my cheeks.

"Phoenix." Kenzie repeated slowly walking towards me.

"Phoenix." Alex said looking behind me.I frowned and turned to see a white wolf with purple eyes walking towards me.

"I thought she was the only white wolf in the world." Kenzie said as I started to walk towards the wolf.

"Mateo?" I whispered.The wolf nodded its head and I dropped to my knees as tears started to run down my cheeks.

"That can't be-Mateo's fur was fawn." The Don said from behind me.

"His fur was supposed to be white wasn't it since he's her other half?" Kenzie asked the moon goddess.The wolf walked up to me and licked the tears off of my cheeks as it whimpered.

"Are you hurt?" I asked looking it over.It tilted its head as it studied me and shook its head.

"Phoenix we don't really know if that's Mateo." The Don said gently.I shook my head and the wolf rested its head on my lap.

"It's Mateo.I know it sounds weird but I can feel it." I whispered running my fingers through his fur.I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"How are you here?I thought you were dead." I asked softly.

"Phoenix I love you but this is crazy." Kenzie said from behind me.

"He's supposed to be dead." She said slowly walking up to me.

"When has somebody ever died and stayed dead?" I asked looking up at her.She bit her lip and looked between the two of us.

"Well then how is this happening?" She asked softly.

"Can you change back?" I asked turning my attention back to Mateo.He ignored me and climbed on top of me to put his head on my shoulder.I smiled and wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug.

"Mateo turn back." I whispered in his ear.He whimpered and snuggled closer into me.I pulled away from him and frowned.

'Why won't you turn back?' I asked mindlinking him.

'Phoenix I can't.' He said whimpering.

'Mateo.' I sobbed as I heard his voice inside my head and hugged him tighter.

'I can force you to change back.' I said wiping the tears off of my cheeks and looking at him.He tilted his head and nodded.

'It's going to hurt Mateo.' I warned as I looked at him.

'Phoenix I love you.' He said nudging me with his snout.I bit my lip to hold in tears and and slowly stood up.

"Phoenix what are you doing?" Kenzie asked as I took a deep breath.

"Stand back." I said turning to face them.

"Phoenix are you going to be okay?" Alex asked softly.I nodded my head and he took a step back with the others.I turned back to look at Mateo and snapped my fingers.His hind leg snapped and he growled in pain.

"You'll be okay." I said snapping my fingers again his bones started to crack and I ran my fingers through my hair.

"This one is going to be worse." I warned as he stopped growling.I snapped both fingers and his bones started to crack repeadetly.I dropped to my knees and grabbed my head in my hands.

"Phoenix what's wrong?" Kenzie asked from behind me.I shook my head and took a deep breath.I snapped my fingers again and Mateo howled in pain.My nose started to bleed and I wiped the blood off before anybody could notice.The moon goddess came to my side and took my hand in hers.

"No I can do it." I mumbled pulling my hand away from her.

"No Phoenix you can't.Your killing yourself just let me help." She said softly.She took my hand again and squeezed it gently.I nodded my head and we snapped our fingers at the same time.Mateo howled louder and I watched as the fur started to disappear and he began to change back.Darkness started to cloud my vision and I felt myself falling until somebody caught me in their arms.

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