Chapter 15~Deal

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~Third Person POV~

Hades watched over Phoenix as she slept.He couldn't understand how that much power was in her and yet she didn't even know.He reached over and gently brushed the hair out of her face.She stirred in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes to look at him.

"How does it feel to be back?" Hades asked smirking as he continued to play with her hair.

"How did I get here?" She asked softly.

"You fainted after using your powers so I brought you here." He said stopping his hands movements.

"What if I wanted to say goodbye?" Phoenix asked sitting up.

"You said it." He said smirking at the memory.

"No I didn't." Phoenix said frowning.

"What do you remember?" Hades asked putting his hands under his head and laying down.

"I just remember asking Ruby to stop hurting Alex and Mateo." She said running a hand through her hair.

"Don't worry your memories will come back just give your body time to rest." Hades said standing up and walking into the bathroom.Phoenix watched him walk away confused as to what he was talking about and bit her lip deep in thought.She stood up and walked around the room taking everything in.It was all black but still managed to look so beautiful.

"Rest from what?What did I do?" Phoenix asked turning around just as Hades walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.Phoenix turned around quickly and shut her eyes for extra measure.Hades chuckled and shook his head as he walked into the closet.

"There's no need to be shy love this is all yours." He teased as he popped up in front of Phoenix.

"Are you dressed?" She asked softly.

"Open your eyes and find out." Phoenix took a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes to see Hades fully dressed, wearing an all black suit that brought out his eyes.

"Rest from what?" Phoenix asked again.

"Do you know how powerful you are?" Hades asked studying her.

"What are you talking about?" Phoenix asked softly.

"Go take a shower and I'll show you." He said smiling sadistically.Phoenix furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and bit her lip before turning and walking into the bathroom.The bathroom was all black too and although it should have been to much you could see the beauty in it.Phoenix took a shower and grabbed a towel from the rack in the bathroom before stepping out into the empty room.She slowly walked up to the bed to see a beautiful elegant red dress on the bed with makeup pallets lying beside it.She couldn't help but think of Alex and Mateo the whole time as she lotioned and put on her undergarments.She slipped into the dress and walked back into the bathroom before applying her makeup.She frowned as she realized she was crying and gently wiped the tears from underneath her eyes.Phoenix fixed her makeup before stepping back into the room to see Hades sitting on the bed waiting patiently for her.

"You look beautiful, love." Hades said smiling at her.Phoenix gave him a weak smile back and nodded her head in thanks.

"Where are we going?" Phoenix asked as Hades took her hand and led her out of the room.Hades turned his head and smiled at her but didn't answer.They walked into a dining room and Hades sat her down next to the head of the table while he sat down at the head of the table.Lilith and the rest of the girls walked into the room just as Hades was about to start a conversation with Phoenix.He frowned as he watched them enter the room and sit down.Lilith sat across from Phoenix and stared daggers at her while Phoenix just gave her a blank stare.Hades rolled his eyes and watched as the girls followed Liliths lead and stared at Phoenix who didn't even flinch.He smirked as he watched her stare Lilith down.

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