Chapter 26~Hurting

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Okay so maybe I lied just a little bit.Forgive me?These are the final chapters of the book.I'd recommend listening to 'Before You Go' By Lewis Capaldi or 'How Am I supposed to Live Without You' By Michael Bolton (it's old school but fits a little) or 'Unbreak My Heart' By Toni Braxton(also old school but fits).

It's been a week since-.I shook my head of the thought and walked into the bathroom before getting in the shower.I hadn't been out of the room once and I'd been ignoring everybody I hadn't even gone to see the body and everybody else wanted to wait until I was ready.The first time I met Mateo popped into my mind and I couldn't fight the tears that started to flow freely.


The Luna and Alpha had just introduced me to the pack and I just wanted to go to my room so I could be alone.

"Hi I'm Mateo." A boy said smiling brightly at me as I turned around.I ignored him and started to walk away.

"So I already know your Phoenix." He said following after me.I frowned as I realized he wasn't going to go away.

"You're really pretty and you have nice hair." He said reaching for it.I jerked away from him before he could touch it and continued to ignore him as I looked for the stairs.

"They said you don't talk a lot." He said as I found the stairs and started to climb them.

"That's okay though I can do the talking for both of us." He said following me up the stairs.I turned the corner to where I was told my room was at.

"I'll see you for dinner." He said as I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me making sure he didn't come in.I didn't go down for dinner that night but when I opened the door after hearing a knock there was plate of food sitting on the ground waiting for me.


I wiped the tears off of my cheeks and climbed out of the tub before leaving the bathroom.I moisturized before dressing up in a random outfit and going back into the bathroom to brush my teeth.I slowly stepped out of the bedroom preparing myself to get ambushed but what I didn't expect was the blankets and people on the ground in front of my bedroom door.My heart clenched as another memory of Mateo popped up.


"Psst Phoenix." Mateo said quietly knocking on my door.I giggled as I tiptoed to it and opened it for him.Today was my parents anniversary and Mateo went out into the pouring rain just to get me a cake so I could feel better even though he didn't even know what was wrong.He promised to stay with me because he didn't want me to be alone.He smiled at me as he walked in and laid his blanket down on the ground besides my bed.I climbed into my own bed and we sat talking about any and everything.The door opened and the Luna stepped in shaking her head in disappointment.

"Talk to Phoenix in the morning Mateo you know boys and girls aren't allowed in the same room." She said softly.Mateo nodded his head and hugged me before grabbing his stuff and leaving the room with the Luna close behind him.I had trouble sleeping that night but when I woke up the next morning Mateo was asleep right in front of my bedroom door.


I sighed sadly as I wiped the tears off of my cheeks.

"Phoenix." Kenzie said noticing that I was awake.I gave her a weak smile and she sat up before wrapping her arms around me.Everybody else joined in hugging me tightly.

"Are you okay?You must be hungry." The moon goddess said softly as everybody started to pull away.I nodded my head and let them lead me down the stairs and into the kitchen.Alex sat besides me and took my hand in his before squeezing it gently.She handed me a plate full of food and I ate a little bit before I was full.I pushed the plate back and ran a hand through my hair.

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