Chapter 20~Do I know you?

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I rolled my eyes but didn't fight them as we walked deeper into the mall.Whenever they said that it was really code for "We'll sit and watch while you walk around the mall spending thousands of dollars" and just as I expected they all grabbed a seat and started to talk amongst themselves as they pointed boys out.We were friends but I wasn't as close to them as they were to each other and it was my fault really since I never really gave them the chance to get close to me.I walked into Victorias secret and started grabbing things that I found cute before paying.I walked out with 5 bags in my hands and did that for about 6 more stores.

"Phoenix?" A voice called from behind me as I approached the girls.I turned around in confusion and the girls walked to my side.

"Do I know you?" I asked as a guy I hadn't seen before walked up to me.He looked a little taller than 6 feet and had beautiful blue eyes.Something about him was familiar and I couldn't get the feeling to go away as we studied each other.

"Phoenix did you go find yourself a boyfriend?" Red asked bluntly as she slowly looked him up and down.

"No." I said shushing her.

"Is this meant to be a joke love?" He asked looking between me and the girls.I frowned as I looked at him in confusion.

"I really don't know you but it feels like I'm supposed to." I said softly.He opened his mouth to say something before he looked at me as if he had just realized something.

"Sorry." He said before walking away and disappearing into the crowd of people before I could call out after him.I bit my lip in confusion and shook my head as the girls opened their mouths to question me.

"He was hot." CeCe said as we started to walk out of the mall making all of us groan and roll our eyes.I drove them back to the school where their cars were all waiting for them.Noah was in front of the school with Liam by his side talking to some other people.We all climbed out of the car and I hugged them goodbye before walking up to Noah and Liam.

"You'll never guess what just happened." I said as I joined them.He hated it when I snuck up on him so I always did my best not to when his conversation looked serious.There was a girl with brown hair who had it tied up in a bun and two boys standing besides her.They all looked at me wide eyed and the girls eyes filled with tears.

"Go wait for me in the car okay?" Noah said softly.I slowly nodded my head and turned to walk away from him.I couldn't help but to look at them hating how it felt like I was supposed to know them but I just couldn't guess from where.I leaned my head on the wheel and slowly breathed out.A knock on my window snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked up to see Noah staring at me expectantly with his friends standing behind him.

'Who are they?' I asked mind linking him as I rolled down my window.

'Friends so be nice.' He responded.

'I'm alway nice.' I said giving him a smile.He gave me a look and I rolled my eyes before turning my attention to his friends.

"We're going out to dinner is it okay if you drive them?" He asked pointing towards them.I couldn't take my eyes off of the boys and I slowly nodded my head.They both smiled at me before getting into the back letting the girl sit in the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked buckling up as I looked at Noah.

"Just follow me." He said getting into his own car.

"You look beautiful." The girl said as I pulled off after Noah.

"Thank you." I said giving her a small smile.

"My names Kenzie.Happy birthday." She said softly as the boys joined in.

"Thank you." I said smiling.We pulled up into a diner and I parked my car next to Noah's.I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to open my door to see it already open.Both boys were standing on opposite sides with their hands out for me to take.Before I could take them Noah walked up and took my hand helping me out the car.I rolled my eyes at him and walked into the restaurant leaving them to follow behind me.

"Table for 6." Noah said to the lady.She nodded her head and grabbed menus before leading us to a booth.I sat in between the two boys while Noah, Liam, and Kenzie sat on the opposite side of us.We joked around as we ate and I felt more comfortable with them than I did with the girls I had known for four years.The workers walked out from the back with a cake in their hand and started singing happy birthday while slowly putting the cake down in front of me.I smiled as everybody started to join in.After Noah had taken pictures and sent it to our parents we all split the cake before paying and leaving.

"I'll drive." Kenzie said holding her hand out for the key.I played with the key as I thought about it.

"Don't scratch my baby or I'll have to kill you." I said seriously.She nodded her head as if she believed me and I handed her the key before climbing in the back seat.The boys got in the car after me.I looked at them curiously since they both decided to sit besides me instead of one of them sitting in the passenger seat.She started to drive towards the woods and I looked between them curiously.

"We aren't trying to kidnap you." One of the boys said speaking up for the first time.He had an italian accent and my panties immediately got wet.I ignored the fact that he had just read my mind and nodded my head.His eyes darkened as if he knew what I was thinking and turned his head so he was looking out the window.The car parked and I turned my attention back to the front.Everybody climbed out and I followed behind them when I noticed Noah pull up.He went behind his car and pulled a bag out of the trunk before handing it to me and grabbing another one.I looked at him curiously but didn't say anything.We walked for a while until we stopped in front of a waterfall.The whole place looked familiar and I started to give myself a headache as I tried to figure out when I'd been here.I brushed it off as I figured I must've just dreamt about it.I walked behind a tree and opened the bag before pulling out a blue bikini that I knew Noah didn't pick because of how revealing it was.I slipped out of the dress and put it on before tying my hair up into a ponytail.I stepped from behind the tree and the boys jaws dropped as they took me in.I smirked as I walked towards them and sat at the edge of the fall.Everybody else changed and it was my turn for my jaw to drop as I took the boys in.They walked out with shorts that matched my bikini and had it hanging low showing their V-line.I bit my lip as I took their abs in and immediately looked away when I realized I got caught staring.I had no idea who they were and they turned me on more than anybody in the school ever had.

"Who's jumping first?" Kenzie asked.Before anybody could analyzing what was going on I had already dove head first into the water.An image of a black wolf appeared in my head and I immediately swam to the surface.I looked around for the wolf and frowned as I realized there was nothing there.I swam to the shore as everybody else started to jump in after me.

"Are you okay?" The italian asked looking deep into my eyes.I bit my lip as I slowly nodded my head.

"Yeah I'm fine I just thought I saw something." I admitted as I looked into his eyes.

"Like what?" He asked looking around.

"A black wolf." I said frowning.He tensed and looked at his friend who had swam up to us.

"What's the deal with a black wolf?" I asked as they exchanged looks.

"Nothing." The other one said.I frowned as I realized I didn't even know their names.I opened my mouth to ask when a howl cut me off.

The Hooded Luna:KidnappedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu