Chapter 17~Nightmares

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Hades smiled at me one last time before disappearing.I took a deep breath before turning around and facing everybody.They looked at each other as if having a secret conversation and then looked back at me.

"I'm tired." I whispered before anybody could say anything.They frowned but didn't make a move to stop me as I walked out of the room.I hadn't realized how dark it was and my heart started to pound in my chest as I walked up the stairs.I made it into my room and locked the door before grabbing a towel and going into the bathroom.I closed my eyes and slowly ran my fingers through my hair.The witches that I had killed faces popped into my mind and I immediately opened my eyes.I slowly exhaled and grabbed a towel before leaving out of the bathroom.I unlocked the bedroom door just in case Kenzie was going to come in here to sleep before walking into the closet and grabbing pajamas and under garments.I walked out of the closet and placed the things on the bed before moisturizing and getting dressed.I climbed into the bed and stared at the ceiling.A door slammed shut and I frowned as I turned my head in the direction I heard it come from.When I didn't see anybody I shrugged it off thinking it was coming from one of the other rooms.My breath got stuck in my throat as I turned back around to see a bloody body standing in front of me.I slowly sat up and leaned against the headboard as I stared at her wide eyed.The witch smirked as she took me in and tilted her head as if she was confused.
"What's the matter?" She taunted as she started to walk to my side of the bed.I shook my head and closed my eyes tightly.When I opened them again all of the witches were surrounding the bed and watching me curiously.
"Your supposed to be dead." I whispered as I looked around at them.The first witch giggled and pointed to her eye where I had thrown the sword.
"You should know, right?Since you killed us?" She asked as anger started to dance in her eyes.
"I'm sorry." I said as tears started to fill my eyes.
"Are you sorry you killed us or are you just trying to get rid of the guilt?" She asked reaching forward.I flinched as she brushed my face out of my hair and kept her hand on my cheek.
"I just wanted Alex and Mateo." I said softly as a stray tear ran down my cheek.She watched it roll down my cheek curiously and then looked back up at me.
"That's the problem-don't you think?" She asked looking around at the other witches.
"She'll do anything for them like killing witches who just wanted one simple thing." One of the witches said.
"No you don't understand that wasn't my fault. Hades-" Before I could get the sentence out the witch slapped me making my head turn on impact.
"Own up to what you did." She growled in my ear before turning my head to face her again.I pushed her and she fell back a little and I immediately climbed out of the bed.I felt a kick on my back and I landed on my hands and knees.
"I couldn't get Michael." I sobbed as I crawled towards the door.She mumbled something under her breath and the door locked.I slowly turned around to see her standing behind me with a smirk.She snapped her fingers and my sword appeared in her hand.
"Own it." She growled slowly as she continued to walk towards me.I continued to move away from her until I got to the door.She held the sword with both hands and lifted it in the air.My breathing quickened as I looked up at her.I watched in slow motion as the sword came down and pierced through my skin.I screamed as I looked at the sword in my stomach.
"Phoenix wake up."
"Your safe Phoenix just open your eyes."
"Baby open your eyes."A voice pleaded as my eyes began to shut.I looked up at the witch and she smirked at me.
"We'll be waiting." She said with a wink before walking up to the other witches.I sat up gasping for air and looked around the room.Everybody was in the room staring at me worriedly.I opened my mouth to tell them I was okay only for a sob to escape.Alex and Mateo immediately wrapped their arms around me and hugged me tightly.My sobs eventually slowed down to sniffles and I pulled away from them.I climbed out of the bed and walked into the bathroom before wiping the tears off of my cheeks and blowing my nose.My eyes landed on my shirt to see it was bloody.I slowly reached for it and pulled it up to see where the sword had been stabbed was a wound but it was healing.I watched as it disappeared completely and softly snapped my fingers making the blood on my shirt disappear.I walked out of the bathroom and climbed back into the bed.I took a deep breath as I leaned against the headboard and looked at my hands in my lap.
"We don't have to talk about it." Mateo said softly.I smiled appreciatively and looked at Alex who nodded his head in agreement. They both moved so they were sitting on either sides of me.I gently rested my head on Mateo's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my neck before softly kissing the top of my head.I took Alex's hand in my own and he squeezed it gently.I slid lower into the bed and the boys immediately followed making me giggle.Mateo held my other hand and Kenzie smiled as she took us in and jumped onto the bed.She layed on her stomach and wrapped her arms around my waist before resting her head on my legs.The moon goddess climbed into the bed next to Kenzie and turned towards the TV before turning it on.Luca and the Don climbed into the bed and I smiled a little.A random movie started to play but I couldn't seem to focus on it.
"Sleep neonata we'll be here when you wake." Mateo whispered in my ear.I bit my lip nervously as I looked at him before nodding my head in agreement.I slowly closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep.

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