Chapter 8~Life With One and Not The Other

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I woke up first and slowly crawled out of bed to not wake anybody up.I smiled at Alex and Mateo who grabbed on a pillow and started cuddling it making me laugh.Kenzie wasn't on the bed anymore and I automatically knew she was with Luca.I giggled at the thought of the two of them and shook my head as I walked into the bathroom.I showered and brushed my teeth before stepping back into the room.The room started to spin and I grabbed my head as I sank to the ground.

"Mateo-Alex." I called out softly.They sat up and looked in my direction before running to my side.

"What's wrong?" Mateo asked taking my face in his hands.

"I don't-I don't know." I croaked.It was getting hard to breathe and I could barely see the room.

"Phoenix breathe." Alex said running his hands through my hair.A scream ripped past my lips as my insides started to feel like they were being ripped out.I watched Kenzie barge through the door with Luca behind her holding a gun which was kind of ridiculous since he was a wolf.That was the last thing I saw before I was welcomed by darkness.

"Mommy wake up." A voice said softly before a small hand gently tapped me.

"Is she dead?" Another small voice asked.I groaned and picked up my pillow before putting it on my head.

"MOMMY'S A ZOMBIE!" The little voice screamed.I felt them jump off the bed and heard the little pitter patter of their feet running out of the room.I sighed peacefully and took my head from underneath the pillow and rested it gently on the pillow.

"MOMMY!?" I screamed sitting up.I slowly climbed out of the bed and cautiously walked out of the bedroom.

"Didn't I ask you not to wake up mommy?" A voice asked from somewhere straight ahead.

"Yes Daddy.We're sorry Daddy." A little girl said.I slowly walked towards the voices trying not to alert them of my presence.

"Baby are you trying to sneak up on me again?" The male said.

"Baby?" I asked staring at his back wide eyed.He turned around and smiled at me.

"Are you ok?" He asked taking a step towards me.

"Mateo?" I asked staring at him wide eyed.His blond hair was black now but it still hung over his eyes.

"What did you do to your hair?" I asked running my fingers through it.

"Are you feeling ok?You know this is my natural hair color.I dyed it when I was sent to America.I told you this." He said looking at me funny.

"Mommy we're sorry for waking you up." A voice said from behind me.I turned around to see two beautiful little twins standing behind me.It was clear both of them took my features but you could see Mateo in them too.The boy looked like an exact replica of me while the girl looked exactly like Mateo.

"Alessandro and Alessandra." I said without thinking.They smiled and ran up to me before wrapping their arms around my legs.

"Mateo what's going on?Where's Alex?Why do I know their names?" I asked turning to look at Mateo wide eyed.Mateo frowned at me and looked down at the twins.

"Vai nella tua stanza." Mateo said to the twins(Go to your rooms)

"Si papa." They said before running out of the room.I frowned realizing he had just spoken Italian and I understood exactly what he said.

"Baby what's going on and who's Alex?" He asked taking my hand and walking me to the couch.

"Mateo that's not funny you know who Alex is and why do you keep calling me baby." I said making a face.

The Hooded Luna:KidnappedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora