Chapter 23~Stop

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~Third Person POV~

Everybody sat in silence as they waited for the news.It had been a little over an hour and the doctor still hadn't come out.Mateo's suit was covered in blood but he didn't care.He didn't want to leave on the off chance that while he was away she would wake up or worse the doctor would come back with news that nobody was prepared to hear.

"Alpha." The doctor said stepping out of the room and walking up to them.Everybody stood up as they waited for the doctors next words.

"We managed to get the bullet out we almost lost her a couple of times but she's a fighter.She's under anesthesia right now I'll come back and get you when she wakes up." He said before turning and leaving.Everybody released a breath and sat back down.Alex put his hand on Mateo's shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"She's going to be okay." He said softly.Phoenix dying would've been hard for everybody but it was clear it would've been harder for Mateo since she literally took a bullet for him.Hearing that she was okay took a weight off of his shoulder but he still couldn't help but feel guilty that she had got shot to begin with.No matter what the consequences were he would ask her to pick Alex.Being next in line to be The Don of the mafia put a target on his back and there was no way in hell he was going to allow that target to be added to Phoenix too.He was sure that if he ever had to go through this again he would kill everybody in his path.Memories of them growing up together started to go through his head and he smiled a little.Even when they left her behind there was never a day that she didn't cross his mind.

"Can I have my memories back now or should I get shot again?" Everybody looked up to see Phoenix walking up to them.Mateo shot up and grabbed her in his arms.He squeezed her the best he could without hurting her.

"Why are you out of bed?" He asked pulling away from her and frowning.He was ecstatic that she was here and awake but that didn't take away the worry that she was hurt and anything could happen.

"I was awake and bored." She said shrugging.She couldn't help but blush under his intense gaze.Alex walked up and gently kissed the top of her head.She blushed again and bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from smiling cheesily at the boys.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as they led her to a seat.She ran her fingers through her hair as she nodded her head.The bullet was out and the wound had been completely healed.

"I'm okay.Thanks for saving my life." She said giving them a small smile.

"You saved mine first." Mateo said softly.The moon goddess walked up to Phoenix and squatted in front of her.

"Are you sure you want this?I can make you forget everything that happened and put you back into that normal life." The moon goddess asked softly.Phoenix gently touched the necklace that was still around her neck.She didn't have to think about it- she wanted her memories back and it didn't matter that her life wasn't perfect at least it was hers.

"It was normal but it wasn't my life.I wasn't happy and despite everything I won't be happy if I don't have you guys." Phoenix responded nodding her head.

"Remember everything.All of the good times and the bad times.That even though there were moments that you couldn't handle there were even better times.That although your life isn't perfect you wouldn't change it for the world." The moon goddess said bringing Phoenix's memories back.She snapped her fingers and Phoenix's eyes closed.Mateo caught her just as she was about to slump over.It didn't take her long to wake up again except this time she had her memories back.

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