Chapter 19~Normal

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My alarm started to blare besides my head and I groaned as I slammed my hand on it to turn it off.

'Happy Birthday.' My wolf said inside of my head.

'Mm.' I mumbled turning my head and trying to fall back asleep.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" My parents and Noah yelled as they entered the room.I screamed and rolled off of the bed in shock.I slowly stood up to look at them to see them holding their phones in their hands.Noah burst out laughing as he took me in.I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom before doing my morning routine.I stepped into my now empty room and walked into my closet to pull out my birthday outfit.I smiled as I grabbed a red tight fitting dress from my closet.I was 19 now and probably the only wolf who hadn't found their mate yet.I put the dress on before walking out of my closet and sitting in front of my vanity mirror and putting on mascara.I put my earrings in and put on some lip gloss.

"Happy birthday." Noah smiled stepping into the room.

"Thank you." I said smiling at him from the mirror.He slowly walked up to me and reach into his pocket before pulling out a box and handing it to me.I smiled brightly as I turned to face him and took the box.I slowly opened it to see a necklace with two rings on it.I gently took the necklace out of the box as I watched the beautiful rings dangle on it.One of the rings had Alex engraved in it while the other had Mateo on it.I looked up at Noah curiously who just smiled at me and took it from my hand.

"Turn around." He said softly.I turned around and he put the necklace on me.

"Whose names are those?" I asked softly.He shook his head and smiled before gently kissing the top of my head.

"Cover up." He said before leaving the room.I rolled my eyes and contemplated taking off the necklace.I shook my head of the thought since Noah got it from me and grabbed a small sweater before pulling my red bottoms on and leaving my room.Flash after flash immediately went off as I reached the stairwell.I playfully rolled my eyes at my parents but posed for them anyways.

"I'm going to be late." I said after they had taken well over a hundred pictures.My mom smiled teary eyed at me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so proud of the young lady you've become." She whispered softly kissing my cheek.I smiled as I hugged her tightly.We pulled away from each other and I hugged my father who frowned at my dress but didn't say anything.I kissed them both goodbye before leaving out the house.I walked up to my car and froze as I started to get the sudden feeling that I was being watched.I slowly looked around and frowned when I didn't see anything.I shrugged the feeling off before getting into the car and driving off.I made it to the school in less than 10 mins and parked in my usual place.Noah who I hadn't even left the house was leaned against his car with sunglasses on waiting for me.I climbed out of the car and grabbed my bag from the back before walking by his side.

"You have football practice today?" I asked putting my own shades on as we started to walk towards the building.He nodded his head as I mumbled 'thank you's' to the random people who kept saying happy birthday to me as we entered the building.

"Here." He said handing me a bag on Dunkin Donuts I hadn't even realized he was holding.I smiled at him as I took it.

"Thank you." I said shoving a donut in my mouth.He rolled his eyes but I could see the smile on his face.We walked up to our lockers before grabbing the stuff that we needed.

"Hey baby." A voice said from behind me.Noah turned and grabbed his arm before he could slap my butt.I rolled my eyes as I grabbed the rest of my stuff from my locker and slowly turned to face them.

"Don't ever try and put your hands on my sister again." Noah growled slowly as he began to bend his arm.He nodded his head as he stared at Noah wide eyed.Noah let go and he looked at Noah as if he was crazy.

"Go on a date with me?" He asked taking his eyes off of Noah.

"No." Noah said answering for me.I frowned as I looked at Noah.He had always been over protective of me which would explain why I never had a boyfriend.

"Why?" We asked in union.

"Phoenix no." Noah said as if I should already know the answer.

"Noah if I had one don't you think we would've met already?" I asked turning to face him as I tried to be discreet since the boy was still standing here.

"Huh?" He asked joining the conversation.

"Leave." Noah growled in warning.The boy opened is mouth to protest but the look Noah gave him made him shut his mouth and walk away in the opposite direction.

"You can't do this every single time somebody tries to talk to me.It's not fair Noah." I whined running a hand through my hair.

"Phoenix you have somebody out there and he'll come and find you when the time is right." He said sighing.My eyes blurred with unshed tears as I looked at him.

"What 19 year old female is mateless?" I asked softly as a stray tear ran down my cheek.Noah sighed sadly and took a step towards me making me take one back.He frowned and opened his mouth to say something but a voice cut him off.

"Baby." Liam's voice said as he approached us with balloons in his hands.

"Hey." Noah said softly kissing his cheek.

"Happy Birthday Phoenix." He said handing me the balloons. I gave him a small smile as I took them.

"Thank you." I said before walking off.I walked into my class just as the bell went off and took my seat in the back of the classroom.The teacher started to teach while I began to daydream.Class soon came to an end and as soon as I stepped into the hallway I was cornered.

"We're going to the mall after school birthday girl." One of my friends Red said.We called her red because of her red hair and fiery personality.I nodded my head in agreement and we went our separate ways.School finally ended and I met her and our other friends at the entrance of our school.There were five of us and everybody had a nickname there was Red, Cece for ciera, Laia like the princess, 5th ave because although we were all rich she was bloody rich, and me- siren because they all agreed I was "alluring" which was completely strange to me.

"Did you tell your sexy ass brother?" Cece asked.She didn't have a crush on Noah since she obviously wasn't his type but that didn't stop her from admiring him.

"First ew and second yeah of course I did." I said as we walked up to my car.I unlocked it and we got in before I pulled off.We sang along to the songs that same on the radio until we finally made it to the mall.

"What are we doing here?" I asked as we walked inside the crowded mall.

"Getting you a boyfriend." They said linking arms and pulling me into the mall.

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