Chapter 2~Explain

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I looked at the seat cautiously and then back at him.The seat was way to elegant for my dirty body but then again he kidnapped me and had me tortured.I sat down making sure to do it dramatically so the plush could receive some kind of dirt.He smirked as if he knew exactly what he was doing but didn't say a word.

"I've been watching you since you were a little girl, piccolo.Since Michael Carson told me about your powers." He said folding his hand on his desk.

"Michael?" I asked slowly.

"Yes your mates father- the one who killed your parents who turned out to be alive." He said as if it was boring information.

"The moment I laid eyes on you I knew." He said smiling when he realized I wasn't going to respond.

"You're married." I said softly.He stared at me confused as to why I was bringing that up before realization dawned on him and his face scrunched up in disgust.

"I'm not into children, kid." He said shaking his head.

"You knew what?" I asked not believing him.

"That you'd be perfect for my son." He said in a duh tone.

"I'm even more confused now sir." I said softly.

"Then smetti di parlare and let me explain." He growled clearly starting to lose his patience (stop talking).

"Sorry." I mumbled under my breath.

"I'm a very important man.If you haven't already noticed.I'm the Don of the Italian mafia." He said proudly.I bit my lip hard to hold back a laugh but that didn't stop the giggles from escaping and pretty soon I was full blown laughing.

"I'm sorry it's just-the mafia?" I asked giggling.

"We're werewolves and me running the mafia is unbelievable to you?" He asked.The look in his eyes told me he was genuinely intrigued and I slowly nodded my head. Luca entered the room and stood behind the Don silently.

"But the mafia only exist in the movies." I said softly as I nervously bit my lip.

"That's what the humans would say if we told them werewolves existed, no?" He asked leaning forward in his seat.

"Yeah." I whispered nodding my head as I started to get his point.

"Michael owed me some money." The Don said and the way his eyebrow twitched as he said it made me know it was definitely more than some.

"How much?" I asked softly.

"Two hundred and thirty five millions dollars." He said clenching his jaw.My jaw dropped again as I waited for him to tell me he was just kidding but the anger burning in his eyes told me he wasn't.

"Gambling?" I asked softly.He nodded his head as he stared at me curiously.

"Si, how did you know?" He asked playing with his beard.

"The movies." I admitted sheepishly.Luca's lip twitched and I knew he was holding back a smile while the Don just let himself laugh.

"The movies." He repeated laughing louder.

"I guess they aren't so far off huh?" I mumbled under my breath

"Anyways, one day I went to Michael to collect my money.He killed his wife in front of me because he didn't have the money but he wanted to prove that he would get it." He said shaking his head.

"He couldn't be that cold." I said softly.Luca scoffed as he shook his head.

"He did it in front of his two little boys." The Don said shaking his head in disappointment.

"Alex never told me any of that.But don't you do the same thing?Don't you do worse?" My mind was flooding with thoughts and I hadn't realized I was saying them out loud.Luca slammed his hand on the desk angrily and pointed his finger at me in warning.

"We are nothing like him.We don't hurt women and children and we definitely don't make the children watch." Luca growled angrily before storming out.

"Your Alex doesn't remember he was a ragazzino at the time him and his fratello." The Don said catching my attention (little boy, brother).

"That's horrible." I whispered shaking my head.

"Si.Michael knew I was tired of waiting so I was going to kill him, so he just started blurting out stuff.He told me about your parents-original wolves and how he could get them for me.It was clear I was still going to kill him so he kept talking.He told me about how you had powers and he suspected your brother had them too but he couldn't be sure.He intrigued me with his talk about your beauty so I decided to give him a chance and asked him to bring you and your brother to me-with everybody unharmed including your parents.But that idiota just couldn't seem to follow instructions.I had a few of my best men follow him and they told me everything about how he got your brother separated from you, killed your parents, and tried to stuprarti." He said and it was clear he was starting to become angry.

"What's stuprarti?" I asked softly.

"Rape you." The Don said softly with a sad smile.

"Your men were there and they just let all of this happen?" I asked softly.

"They've been dealt with they were given specific instructions to help you and your family when you needed it but instead they decided to act just as bad as him by standing on the sidelines and acting like nothing was happening.I was in Italy at the time with my own famiglia when I got the news.Italians don't play about their family- we take care of each other.I had you followed and watched over that is how the Alpha found you in the back of that gym.I thought he would've made a nice family for you but I was wrong.He was lucky you got to him first because I would've done far worse." He admitted looking at me.I took a deep breath as I took everything in.A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts and I turned towards the door to see a maid step in.

"La cena sarà pronta tra 30 minuti Don." She said keeping her head down(dinner will be ready in 30 mins).

"Bene, portala nella sua stanza con l'altra e trova qualcosa di bello da indossare. Dì a Lucas di preparare anche mio figlio, è ora di smettere di giocare." He said gesturing towards me.The maid kept her eyes down but looked at me from the corner of her eyes.(Good take her to her room with the other one and find them something beautiful to wear.Tell Lucas to get my son ready too it's time to stop playing this game.)

"Si Don." She said nodding her head.

"We'll finish this conversation at dinner, no?You need to get ready and should go check on your friend.This lady will take you to you and your friends new room." He said softly.

"Ok." I said standing up and following the maid.

"Is-is Alex alive?" I asked turning to face the Don.

"Yes we didn't kill anybody." He answered honestly.I released a breath but stared at the Don curiously for his honesty.

"I won't lie to you bella and I expect the same treatment back." He said looking down at his laptop.I took a deep breath as I fought a smile at the thought of Alex being alive and silently followed behind the maid.

Bam!Yes I did just release a chapter two.I'm going to try and do better for this book and update at least twice a day.Please let me know how you're feeling about how the book is going.

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