The Crazy Dream

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Hey guys, well I know I haven't uploaded in a while, I know, I know. I'm a terrible author and you all hate me for not uploading! I can't tell you how sorry I am!! Really, well I updated my Wattpad app not to long ago, so at the moment I'm uploading from my phone...or trying to at least. It's about 12:15 am where I am at the moment, my insomnia is kicking in, and I have school in the morning. So I'm gonna try to write a chapter, I don't know how long or good it will be, but here it goes.

XoXo, Helen❤


Alexia's P.O.V


"I'm not kidding, Lex...I think I love you.." He said, smiling softly, and slowly leaning in. "I love you so much, I have for a long time. That's why I didn't tell you. I couldn't leave you." He said, our lips barely brushing. "And don't act like you don't feel the spark, I know you do." And with that he closed the gap between us..That was the day all our feelings came out. The day I had my first kiss. The day I fell completely in love with my best friend..

I shot up from my pillow and touched my lips. I can't believe I still remember. I know what you're thinking: She said she'd never had her first kiss! Well you see, Harry and I both agreed to keep that between the two of us. I have never told anyone and neither has he. Not even the boys..


It was about 7:45 in the morning on Sunday. I have no clue why I'm up so early, but I think it has to do with the dream I had. I mean, as soon as I woke up I felt the tingling on my lips like the day before Harry left. I couldn't help but think: Do I really have feelings for Haz? I mean, I did back then, but it's been so long since I've seen him... He's my bestfriend, I'd never want that to change...Or would I? No, of course not! I can't love, or even like Haz more than I friend! He's too special!

By the time I was done ranting to myself in my head it was about 8:15 ish, so I decided to get up and take a shower. I slowly started to remove my warm comforter but was quickly shocked by the crisp, cool air from my opened window. I must've forgotten to close it. After putting my comforter back on I quickly got warm again, but what felt like 2 seconds later I had to get up to shut my window.

I quickly sprang outta bed, grabbed my fuzzy robe, put on my slippers, and shut the window in two swift movements.

Immediately I was embraced by the sudden warming of my room. I always liked a cold room to sleep in, but I hated waking up to a cold room.

I got my iPhone and grabbed the iHome and plugged it onto my desk that was placed outside of my bathroom door and quickly turned on my 'Wakeup Tunes' playlist and blasted it in my room while I went to take a shower.

I turned on the hot water and waited for it to heat up. After about 2 minutes of waiting I got in and was enveloped into a nice, relaxing steam and hot water. I started to get my body wet while trying to wash my hair without getting shampoo into my eyes. It worked. For a minute. Then I had shampoo in my eyes. This is an everyday thing, I wake up early, really tired, go take a shower, and get more shampoo in my eye than there is in my hair. It's bloody horrible!

After rinsing my body free of my lavender vanilla body wash, I turned off the water and grabbed my fluffy oversized towel. I wrapped myself in the warmth and put on my 'after shower slippers' (You know, those big fluffy towel-like flipflop slippers) and walked to my closet.

I figured I was just going to catch up on my homework today, so there was no need in dressing up. I settled on a pair of Hollister sweats and my purple Jack Wills jumper. Harry had the matching one. Harry. Just thinking about him made me smile like a fool.

After slipping on all of my clothing I went downstairs to find my mum has already gone to work, but not without leaving me a note

"Alexia, I love you sweetie. Breakfast is in the fridge!

Xx, mum"

Have I ever mentioned how much I love my mum? Anyways, I looked in the fridge to find mum made my favorite: fresh strawberry waffles with whipped cream. She always made me breakfast for me on Sundays, usually she doesn't have work, but I guess she got called in today.

When I finished breakfast I went back upstairs to grab my phone, a soon as I grabbed my phone I got a message.

From: Unknown

Hey beautiful(; come outside. I have a surprise.

-Your secret admirer. Xx

A little creeped out, but slightly flattered, I ran downstairs and opened my door. And gasped at what I saw in front of me....


Well, that's it for this chapter. I'm sorry it's so short! I will work on updating sooner, but you have to remember I'm on my phone, so they'll be shorter chapters, unless I get a laptop! Well, thanks for reading, but it's 12:45 almost 1 am now, and I'm knackered. Hehe, look at me talking all British like.(; haha, anyways! Goodnight my loves, I'll try to update soon!

XoXo, Helen❤

OH! P.S. I was thinking, and I really want a nickname to call you guys!!!! I was thinking 'my little cupcakes' or something cute. Leave me a comment and tell me what to call all of you! Please! The one I like the best will get something special in return! I PROMISE!!! Okay, goodbye for reals now! 😘✌

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