Author's Update*

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Hi my lovelies! So, I've been thinking about story ideas and whatnot, and thought, you all really know nothing about me. So, I've thought and thought, what if I do like a facts book? Or like a Wattpad Diary? Do those exist? I don't know. Like I wouldn't do something too personal like so you could stalk me, but I could try to make myself sound interesting without lying? I don't know. Let me know what you think though!

Also, my grades suck, so I don't think I'll be using my computer often. I know, I know, I should really work on my grades, and I try, but I just don't get it half the time. Okay, that's about it. Uhm, if you've been reading any of my stories, I posted a new chapter on my Tumblr story and I'm working on He's Back. Okay. So I love you guys, please comment, vote, fan, follow me on Twitter and Instagram, oh and Tumblr if you want, and thanks. All of you who read my stories, I just wish that you'd comment so I don't think the same people read my story 100 times to make me feel better...

And, that's that! Bye guys! iloveyouall!

-Helen xx

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