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Louis' P.O.V

I wonder what Harry was thinking for Alexia's birthday. By the smile he was giving me I could tell he was planning something special. He loved that girl, weather he wanted to admit it or not. They're best friends, since diapers, they've known each other forever. She loves him back, they're both smitten for each other, they just don't see it...yet... I hope it's something good! I mean yeah, last year's present was good, but this year will be better!



Alexia's P.O.V

I wonder why Harry had to go so soon, he said he had work, but it seemed like he was lying. I don't know, maybe I'm being paranoid, but who knows.

Louis, I sure do miss talking to that kid. You see, Louis is one of those people that is easy to get along with. Now don't get me wrong, I'm close with all the boys, but not as much as Louis and Harry. I guess I will always be the 3rd wheele in 'Larry Stylinson' but you know, their moments are pretty adorable when I see them.

I sighed to myslef, Do I have feelings for Harry? I mean, when we were kids sure I had a crush on him, but I thought I would be over it by now. He's my best friend. He knows everything about me, that's how it's always been. I thought to myself as I shut my laptop and went to lay on my bed. I kept asking myself that question over and over, until I drifted off into a deep sleep.


"Lex? Take a walk with me?" Harry asked me, with a sincere tone in his voice. A bit confused I got up and we started walking the familiar path to our favorite spot: A secluded medow we found when we were kids.

"What's up Hazz? We only come here when we really need to talk about something.." I said trailing off.

"I'm a terrible best friend. I uh, I got an audition for XFactor.." He said avoiding my gaze.

"Oh my gosh! That's great!! I'm so happy for you! When is it?" I asked with excitment clear in my voice.

"Uh, that is why I'm a terrible best friend. I leave tomorrow...I've been meaning to tell you, I have. I just didn't know how.." He said trailing off and turning to face me, sadness in his eyes.

"Oh.." I said, speechless. I didn't know wheather to be sad or mad or excited for him. Of course I was excited for him, it has been his dream forever to get an audition on something musical, but he waited until the last possible moment to tell me. I won't be mad at him, I can't be. He's my best friend.

"I'm happy for you. Really, I am. I'm not mad. I'll be here to support you the whole way. I promise." I said grabbing his hands with mine and holding them close to me. It always reasured him of things.

"Lex, have I ever told you how much I loved you?" He said entwining our fingers together.

There was a little electrical shock, but I ignored it. He stared intently into my eyes. Like he was looking at something he'd never see again.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I'll always be here, you know that. I'll always be a phone call away. And I love you too, Hazza Boo. So much more than you can think." I said, squeezing his hand.

"I'm not kidding, Lex...I think I love you.." He said, smiling soflty, and slowly leaning in. "I love you so much, I have for a long time. That's why I didn't tell you. I couldn't leave you." He said, our lips barely brushing. "And don't act like you don't feel the spark, I know you do." And with that he closed the gap between us..That was the day all our feelings came out. The day I had my first kiss. The day I fell completely in love with my best friend..


I shot up from my pillow and touched my lips. I can't believe I still remember. I know what you're thinking: She said she'd never had her first kiss! Well you see, Harry and I both agreed to keep that betweent the two of us. I have never told anyone and neither has he. Not even the boys..


I know, I know. Short chapter and I only updated one story. I'm sorry! I will finish the other chapter soon. I'm back, and stronger than before. I will get the laptop more often, and I won't go away for a month again. I love you guys..



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