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3rd Person's P.O.V

She lie awake. Silently looking to the clock next to her bed, 4:30 a.m. it reads. Sighing slightly she tries to move, only to be held captive by something strong. Looking down at her waist Alexia notices someones arms. She turned slightly and looked her captor in the face. She longed to see those beautiful green eyes she'd grown accustomed to over the years, she wanted to push his curls out of his face like she had done so many times before. To kiss those lips like she knew what she was doing. And more importantly to hear his voice. His oh so husky voice. It was like heaven for your ears.

"I love you." She whispered of so silently, but he still stirred a little in his sleep. Starting to mumble something, something Alexia thought she'd never hear:

"I love you, Alexia."

Harry's P.O.V

I have no clue what time it is, but I'm still awake. I'm holing Alexia. After our little thing in the kitchen we all decided it was time for bed. Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis, Emlyn, and Violetta were everywhere on the floor while Alexia and I are on her bed. I don't know why but when I woke up at 3 she was tossing and turning in her sleep, whimpering slightly. I thought she was having a nightmare so instinctively I crawled into bed with her and pulled her into my arms. Now I'm just laying here, silently watching her.

She starts to stir in her sleep and soon enough she jolts awake. I quickly close my eyes before she sees me awake and pretend to be asleep. She tried to get up but I held onto her tighter. I didn't want her to leave, not now. I felt her turn and could feel her eyes on me. She just laid there and stared, but soon enough she whispered something, barely audible for me to hear;

"I love you."

It warmed my heart when those words left her mouth. I had to force myself not to smile and give myself away. So to play it off I started stirring a little and mumbling a little.

"I love you, Alexia" And instantly started to feel a smile find it's way onto my face. Then I started to drift back into sleep.

Alexia's P.O.V

He said he loved me? In his sleep? Was he dreaming about me? Why is he saying that in his sleep? So many questions filled my head. As soon as he said it a soft smile found its way to his lips and his breathing steadied. My heart was racing, but I turned around the whole way to face him. I took in his sweet scent, it was magical. I soon found a smile creep its way onto my face and soon enough I closed my eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

I quickly awoke to nothing. For no reason. I looked at to why I was so warm and butterflies instantly filled my stomach. I had completely forgotten Harry was in my bed, holding me. I turned so my back was facing him and looked at my dimly lit room, 7:45 a.m. read the clock. Well I'm not going back to bed now, might as well get up. I carefully removed Harry's arm from around my waist and looked down in front of my floor to make sure nobody was there. I carefully and silently stood up and moved the duvet back so Harry was still covered. I took a step and came dangerously close to stepping on Louis. Looking down with every step I finally got out of my room.

I trudged downstairs to find my mum at the table drinking coffee and reading a book. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Morning baby, you're up early." She said to me as I walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek then walked to the refrigerator and pulled out some milk and chocolate sauce.

"I woke up and figured there was no point in going back to bed." I stated simply shrugging my shoulders.

"Hmm, what's on your mind baby?" She said looking at me concerned. She always knew when something was bothering me.

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