I miss you..

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After Harry and I talked I couldn't really sleep. It wasn't because I was tired; because I was, no, I was simply doing more thinking.

'How can I tell him? When should I tell him? How should I tell him?'

Just some of the questions going through my mind. Oh boy was I a mess.

By the time I was finally starting to fall back asleep the sun was rising.  I checked my phone and sure enough it was 5:45 A.M. ugh. Why does thinking cause lack of sleep? It wasn't fair. I texted my mum telling her I'll be home before dinner and that I was going to Violetta's house. I felt back for lying to her, but I'm sure eventually I will end up there. I also texted Vi telling her if my mom called that I was at her house and I would be there by at least noon. Once those texts were sent I set an alarm for 10:00 A.M and fell back against the pillow I was currently laying on. I was just thinking, wondering, hoping, that everything would work out. But even I know that was asking for too much..


Ugh. I'm laying here. It's 5:45 A.M. I have to be up in 15 minutes to start the day and I have yet to fall back asleep after talking to Alexia. I honestly don't think that girl knows her effect on me. It's annoying.  I don't think she'll ever know the effect she has on me, and that kills me on the inside. I really do love her. I just hope she loves me back.

I was just about to fall back asleep when my alarm clock started beeping. Shit. It's 6:00. Louis is just starting to stir awake. Ugh, it's going to be a long day.

"Mate, it's time to get out of bed." Louis said just as I pulled the duvet over my head once he got out of bed and opened the curtains. Damn him.

"Ugh, five more minutes." I groaned only to have the duvet lifted over my head.

"Geez, what has your knickers in a twist?" He said with a sour expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, Lou. I just didn't sleep much.." I said finally sitting up.

"Yeah, yeah." He said as he closed the door to the bathroom after grabbing clothing and toiletries. I'm such an ass.


It's 9:30. Half and hour before my alarm was set to go off. You have no idea how angered I am at this. Ugh, sleeping sucks. Especially when you're awake because you're thinking. Ugh, thinking. Of what you ask? Hmmm, how about Harry, my life, Harry, the cancer, Harry, school, Tyler, Louis, oh, and did I mention Harry? Yeah, he's kind of on my mind. Like, how do I tell him? When should I tell him? I mean, I could not tell him, but then that would be a bitch mood, and he is my best friend. I can't not tell him. Why does life have to be full of hard decisions? It’s not fair.

Anyways, my alarm is now going off, and I am groggily trying to find my phone to turn off the damn alarm. 10 minutes later I have found it after the alarm has gone off twice, darn automatic snooze. Slowly, but surly, I sat up and stretched my achy muscles. They screamed in pain from being in an uncomfortable position for so long. Yawning, I started to stand, only to get dizzy for a few seconds. Holding my head, I walked over to the table Harry and I put in the day before he left and held onto it. Steadying myself I grabbed my phone from the pocket of my jacket and looked at the time, 10:30. As I looked my stomach made an unhuman sound. Apparently I'm hungry. Shrugging to myself, I climbed out of the tree house and set off for my house. Mum should be at work so I should be able to avoid any questions she has about my leaving.

The cool air bit at my nose as I was walking, there wasn't much life out for it being 10:30, but then I remembered it was Monday, everybody should be at work and any normal teenager my age would be taking advantage of no school and still sleeping.  As I rounded the corner to my house I passed by the little blue house I had spent so many afternoons in, the one that created so many memories, some good, some bad, but all memories. I stopped outside on the sidewalk. Remembering the first time I had ever been there.

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