Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Tamia's P.O.V.

I walked out of the doors of the store with my bags in my hand. My phone started to ring in my purse. I struggled to find it in my purse when I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry" I apologized. I missed my call now. "Well well well. Look who it is" the woman said. I furrowed my eyebrows confused on who she was and what she wa talking about. She then slid off her shades. Vanessa.

"Oh heeeyyy" I said awkwardly. Everythings been awkard every since yesterday. "It's Thot Tamia" She scoffed foldung her arms and eyeing me. PAUSE. "Excuse me?!" "You heard what I said" "So I'm a hoe now?" I asked also folding my arms. "Umm that's what Thot means dosent it" she said rolling her eyes in a duhh voice. "Explain to me how I am a hoe" "One reason and one reason only. Your trying to steal my man" I laughed. "You funny you know that" She rolled her eyes. "I don't want your man" "Oh please. Your such a lier. I see the way you look at him. The way y'all spend all day together. How happy you two are around each other. How he always runs to you at anytime" "Ok. Me and him have nothing going on. Hes my best friend and will only be my best friend. Clearly you need to talk to Trey about this and not me. Good day" I said walking away. She then grabbed my arm harshly and pulled me back with force.

"I'm not done talking to you!" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Listen. I am really up to here with you. You had me bent when you calle me hoe but listen to me clearly and I will only say this one time so listen good. Don't you ever put your hands on me again because I swear as God as my witness you will regret it. You better be glad One that I'm a classy lady and two that your Treys girlfriend" "Oh please. You won't do anything. Trey will do anything in his power to protect me" "Sure whatever. Are we done now?" "No. I'm watching you and Trey-" "How many times will I tell you me and Trey are just friends. Nothing more nothin less. We gave no feelings for each other. I don't see why you keep suspecting that we have something going on when we don't. Yes I know we spend alot of time together and I'm sorry for that. Im sorry he hasn't been spending time with you. It's not fully my fault but I am a little guiltly for it. But when we are hanging on we don't do anything but have a good time an that's it. Only friendly things" "Only friendly things huh?" "YES" "Then here you get the hickies from on your neck?" she asked. Her questioned took me back. I touched my neck where they were covered by makeup. I had nothing to say. I was caught in m own trap. I didn't know she say it yesterday. I well so guilty. But I'm trying. I'm trying to help them. I didn't intend on him to give them to me. I didn't want him to either. He wouldn't leave me alone. But I can't let him take all the blame. I admitt I enjoyed it and I didn't stop it. I just can't help it. I don't know what he does but he makes ecstasy and pleasure and all these other emotion run through me and I can't control myself. Then I end up regretting everything and feeling so bad that I might be the reason of the ending of heir relationship. I hate this so much! God please help me!

I stayed quiet looking down at the ground defeated in a war I didn't want to be in in the first place.

"Yeah uh hu. You thought I didn't notice. Baby please. I see everything between you two. You don't have a boyfriend or a husband so who the fuck else would it come from! Then you come into the house all smiling and shitand holding hands like your not hiding anything! And then you fucking tried to cover that shit up! Please! Ive tried it! Multiple times so I know! And you both sit here and lie to my face about it saying you don't have anything going on! I know you two have feelings for each other! I can see it through your eyes! I can see through all the laughter and smiles and consecutive time y'all spend together! Don't try to play me! Now I'm telling YOU one time and one time only. Don't you ever come to m house again unless I has something to do with his child. There will be no more seeing each other. No more calls or texts. NOTHING!" "Hold up hold up!" Yes I was defeated but shedder taking things a little too far.

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