Chapter 55

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Dedication to @bruh_its_devon and sorry for all the mistakes in the previous chapter. I really don't proofread. I should really start. Anyway enjoy
___________________________________________"Oh no! Wait! We forgot Frisco!" Taylor said. We climbed off of our jet skies and onto the sand of the island that we now had reached.

I didn't notice that we left him and now I'm starting to miss him since she brought him up.

"He's right there" he said pointing behind me, squinting his eyes from the sun.  I turn around and here comes Frisco ruining towards us. His sorry white fur flies backas he runs. He jumped in Taylor's arms once he reached us. 

"How did he-" "I have my ways" he shrugs giving me a warm smile. Am apology for interrupting me I suppose.

"Um dad" Kee said looking around. "I hate to burst you bubble but um.....why are we here? There's nothing here" she said. I skim the area. She's right. There's nothing but trees and bushes and shrubs. I then saw and heard a rustle in the bushes.

"Hey what's that?" I said pointing the pink sting disappearing into the green leaves. "Why don't we find out?" He grins. I should have known. He wouldn't bring us here for nothing. He always has something up his sleeve.

"Come on. This way" he said pointing to the west of us.

We start to follow. I squeal as I almost step on a small animal. An iguana?

"Oh yeah. Be careful. They are friendly so they wont bite" he said picking it up. "That's unless you give them a reason too, but they live here. This is iguana island" he smiles. I look around me and see the many iguanas that have suddently appeared upon shore.

"So you telling me that's what that curly pink thing was" I question. I jump as one runs over my foot. He chuckles.

I look to my right to see Frisco standing up to three of them. He stands his ground as he growls. They hiss at him. It makes me laugh to watch such a small ans sweet dog try to be fierce.

"Aye Frisco! Cut that out. Leave them alone.

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