Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Treys P.O.V

I took a breath before stepping into Taylors room. She looked up from her laptop and gave a small smile.

"Wassup?" she asked before closing it. I put on a fake smile as I sat next to her on her bed. I scratched my head.

"Um nothing. I just came to talk to you about something?" I said looking down at the rubbing the silk covers.

"Talk about what? Have I done something wrong or bad?" she asked srunching up her eyebrows. "No. No. Your fine. Someone else" I said tucking in my lips. "Who?" "...........Vanessa" I said. She rolled her eyes like she didn't want to hear it.

"What about her?" she asked crossing her arms and leaning back on the headboard. I took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Well......I was thinking and I....I think I want to-" "Break up with her?!" she asked shooting up her eyes wide. "No. No. Why would you......nevermind but no" I said shaking my head. "Oh" she said nonchalantly leaning back. "Then what?" she asked looking at her nails like I was wasting her time. But this is important.

"Well......I wanted to know what you think getting married?" She said nothing. She sat frozen. Her eyes were bucked and her mouth was slightly gaped open.

I starred at her waiting for her to say anything but she didnt. Her face read no emotion. She starred blankly at me and I did the same.

I then lifted up an eyebrow after a full 2 minutes of silence.

"Soooooooo thats a-" "NO!" Her sudden outburst made me jump.

"No! You can't marry her!" "What? Why not?" "Because.........she-" She bit her lip holding back her words. "Ughhh you just can't alright!" "That's not a good enough excuse" I said. "T listen to me" she said slowly. Anytime she calls me T she's serious but today Im not buying it.

"You can't marry her. There's no reason to. Your marriage will be based on lies and infidelity. It will be miserable like it is now" she expressed with her arms. I scrunched up my eyebrows trying to see what she was talking about. Miserable?

"Miserable? Our relationship is on a high. That's why I'm thinking about proposing. Neither of us is miserable" "When I tell you you will be" she said lowly rolling her eyes. "Tell me what? I dont understand. Our relationship is great. You and her are great together and she can become like a mot-" "Don't even say it" she said through her teeth. I was confused and baffled about everything.

"She will never be a mother to me. Not the way she is treating you" "What do you mean?" Closing her eyes she took a breath.

"T. Vanessa has been using you" she said. Her words struck me hard.

"...............wh-what?!" "She's been using you" she said with a sigh. I can't believe the words that are coming out of her mouth. Vanessa using me?! How?! It can't be possible?! What made her think that?! I can't believe it! I won't believe it! It's not true!

"What do you mean she's using me?" I question waiting for her to explain. "I heard her yesterday say it. I went down to the kitchen and she was on the phone with some lady. Sge said she's only with you because of your money, fame, and intercourse. She's been playing other guys too so she's cheating on you with two other guys. That's why she leaves the house all the time and that's why she always wants to go somewhere and spend YOUR money. She's using you. You can't marry her. She's been playing you this whole time T" she said. I sat frozen not saying a word. I let her words sink in. But they won't and wouldn't. It just wasnt fitting together.

"I'm sorry T. I-" "Why?" I asked. "I don't know why she's doing it. She's a-" "Whatch your mouth" I said strictly cutting her off. "Huh?" she asked. "She has a name first of all. Second Why would you do that?" "Why would I do what T?" "Why would you make up a lie like that. If didn't want us to get married you could have just said that. You didn't have to make up a rorindous story" "Story?!" she shouted standing up. "Lower your voice" I commanded. "No! You think I'm lying about this crap!" "What did I just say!" "The bitch held a knife to my fucking neck!"

TORN (a Trey Songz story *EDITING*)Where stories live. Discover now