Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

We arrived to this place named Yayo's and it was hella packed. When we walked in there was a long ass line! Since the line was so long I was figuring out what I wanted. It took about 10min for us to get to the front. We ordered what we wanted and waited to get it. We finally got our ice cream and went to go sit down. I was looking down when I bumped into someone. "Oh Im so sorry" I said apologizing. "No Im sorry but its ok sweety" she said. "And hello to you too" she said talking to T. She began to walk off but T stopped her "Wait, so you telling me you dont remember me?" The woman looked at him with a confused face then her eyes widened. A smile grew across her face and that made T smile back. "Oh my god, TREY!!!!" "Its me baby" he said. and they hugged each other. "Long time no see Vanessa." "It sure is. How you been?" "Im pretty good. How about yourself?" "Well, Im making it"  she said laughing a little. "So wassup" he asked. "Nothing I just came from work with my homegirl and came here cause she told me it just opened" "Where you work at?" "Im the president for a fashion company" "Really, wow, but I do remember you used to make your own clothes" "You know I aint like looking like everybody else"  they both laughed. Then she looked at me. "Who is this precious child?" she asked. T wrapped his arm around my neck. "This is Taylor" "Hey Taylor, how are you?" "Hi and Im good" I said with a smile. "Is this your daughter?" "Well she-" "Yes!" I said cutting him off. He nudged my head playfully. "Im just playimg" I said laughing. "Yeah, shes not my daughter but shes like one to me" " Aww that sweet and I think its cute how yall matching" "Thank you" we said in unison. "Yall are too cute." she laughed. 'Trey, we have to catch up" "Fo sho. Give me your number." They exchanged phones and put in their numbers. "I'll catch you later" she said. "Ok I'll see ya" Trey said as she walked off and sat back down with he friend. Now this is the kind of girl Trey needs. She was 5'5 (yeah pretty  short), a little darker than light skinned, long brown wavy hair that stopped down her back. She had chocolate eyes, and a pretty smile with her fangs sharpened. She also had dimples that were hella deep. We found a seat that was close by a window and we began to eat our ice cream. Every now and then I would catch them looking up at each other. "Wassup between you and her?" I asked. "Umm..we used to date in high school" he said with a smile. "What happened?" "The music life" he said and took another spoonful of ice cream in his mouth. It was silent for a minute and I could tell what he was thinking just by his facial expression. "You still like her dont you?" "What no" I looked at him with that "Really" look. He nodded his head yes. "Awww look at Trey catching feelings" I cooed and we both laughed. But in my head I was thinking what it would be like if they were back together. I looked behind me and saw Vanessa going to the bathroom. "I'll be right back" I said. He nodded his head and I went into the bathroom and waited till she came out one of the stalls.

She came out and washed her hands. "Aye Vanessa." She turned off the water and dried her hands. "Yeah, wassup sweetie" "Can  I ask you some?" "Spill it" "You still got feelings for Trey?" I asked. She laughed a lil. "How old are you?" "12, why" "Why you ask and Im telling a 12yr old becausseee" "Ok yeah I know Im 12 but Im asking because he still got feelings for you." A smile grew across her face. "Really?" I nodded my head. "And how do you know this" "Cause he told me and I wanna know if you like him too, so do you." She hesitated then spoke. "Yeah, I do." "Great; since yall wanna catch up how about yall go out tonight." "Ok" "Wheres a place always wanted to go" "Ummm..theres a restaurant named Chipolees I always wanted to go to" "Ok, what time" "Umm...Im free at 8" "Ok 8 it is" I said. Shse gave me her address and we walked out. "Wait, whats your favorite kind of flowers" "Roses" "Thanks" I said as we went out seperate ways. I sat back down and started to eat my almost melted ice cream. "Took you long" he said. "Youll thank me for it later" I said and he looked at me confused. "You talked to her didnt you" "Lets just say I got you a date." His face lit up and he reached over the table and grabbed my face and kissed my forehead. "Boy get yo nastey lips off of me. I dont know where yo lips been" "Exactly" he said with a smirk. "Oh hell no" I said grabbing a napkin and started scrubbing my forehead. He started laughing like there was no tomorrow. "I cant stand you" "You know you love me" he said and thats when Vanessa came over. "Hey Im about to go but I wanted say bye before I go" "See ya Vanessa" "Bye sweetie and I'll see you at 8 Trey" "Yeah, I'll see ya at 8" he smiled and winked and she blushed. She walked off and waved and we waved back. We got though with our ice cream and left. "I cant believe this" "What?" I asked. "Theres a 12yr old hooking me up" "Shut up" I said puching him in the arm. "Oww, you punch like a man" he said rubbing his arm. "Good, that mean doont pkay with me" "Whatever" he said and we got in the car.

TORN (a Trey Songz story *EDITING*)Where stories live. Discover now