Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Taylor's P.O.V.

I ran upstaird to Keyanna's (Kee) room. I was exspecting her to be packing but when I opened the door, I see her franticly paceing in front of her bed. I closed the door behind me. "Girl wassup" "I cant" she said still paceing. "Cant what?" I questioned confused. "I cant go down there" "Why not" "Because hes down there. I heard yall come in and that when I panicked." "What you panicking for?" She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at me like I was stupid. "Mane my freaking idol is down there; my celebrity crush. What you think?" "You nervous?" "YES!!!! Do you see my room." Her room was covered with pictures, posters, calenders, and torn out pages of magazInes and most of them were of Trey Songz. I swear she is love with this. She got all his CD's and everything. She is obsessed with him; no lie. I like him and so does Mrs.Tamia but not she do; she like his biggest fan. Put money on it she can name all his songs in alplabetical order in under a minute. NO LIE! "What if I pass out or start crying....or-" "Calm yo tits" I said cutting her off. "Its kool you wont. I didnt; I kept my composure" "Thats because you were going through some thing and Im still mad at you for not telling me" "Thats not the point. Just breathe and relax" I said. She took a couple deep breaths and calmed down. "You kool" I asked. "Yeah" she said back. "Ok, so you got everyhting" "Lets check" she said and we made sure she had ready. Once we doule checked, we came out the bedroom. We stopped at the stop of the stairs because we heard T and Mrs.Tamia talking. We peaked over the rail. They were standing pretty close to each other but they were laughing and smileing. "Hope they having fun" I whispered so they wont hear us. "Yeah, they sure close" she whispered back but laughed. "I know right.......aye" "What?" "Wouldnt they make a cute couple?" I asked looking at them. She thought about it for a minute. "Yeah theywould" she said with a smile. "And what if they got together?" I said thinking about it. "And got married." Her smile got bigger. "That would make us.....SISTERS!" We said in unison. The exciment built up in both of us. We both let out a loud scream. But quickly covered our mouths remembering that there was still down there.

"Come on girls. We know your there" Mrs.Tamima yelled up the stairs.  We walked walked down the steps like nothing happened. When we got to the bottom, Keyanna in my ear "I cant." She started to to turn around but I grabbed her arm before she could go up the steps. I held a good grip incase she tries to run of again. T got up off the door and stepped forward. "What happened?" he asked. "Oh I told her something" "What was it" "Cant tell you, its between us" I said and rolled his eyes. "Well, anyways Trey meet Keyanna; Keyanna meet Trey." "Hey" T said. "Hey wassup" Kee said back clamly. I guess she kool now. "You got everything" Mrs.Tamia asked. "Yes ma'am" Kee said back. "Wait, oh my god I just realize that yall matching; its cute" "Yeah, I know but I look better" I said. "Baby nahww you better good back. I look better than all yall." Thats when all that comotion started. Everyone was argueing on who looks better. We ended up laughing it off and the situation. " Trey you want me to pick her up or you gonna drop her off tomorrow?" Mrs.Tamia asked. "I can drop her off..matta" he said and pulled out his phone out his back pocket and Mrs.Tamia did the same. They exchanged phones and put their numbers in then gave their belongings back. She looked at her phone and smiled. He probably put something stupid in there. "Iightt, yall ready?" I asked hyped. "Yeah just give me a minute. Wait in the car" T said and tossed me the keys. "Hmmm...dont be doing nothing in here" I said closeing the fornt door behind the both of us.

Trey's P.O.V.

Me and Tamia both laughed at lil mama as she walked out the door with Keyanna trailing behind. "That girl is something else" Tamia said. "Yeah, she a mess" I laughed. "Oh and Im changing your name in my phone" "Why" I asked likea little kid. "Cause you put it as Future Boo" she said giggling. Mane even her laugh is even cute. "Again, I ask why" I said acting clueless. "BOY!!!" "Ok fine. Im changeing your name too" I said acting smart. "To what" she questioned and her hands on her hips. "Beautiful" I said with a smile. S smile grew across her face but then again, she put her head down. "What I tell you about that. Whats wrong" I asked. She kept quiet and started playing with her fingers. 'You nervous or something. I mean tell me whats up." She raised her head and looked at me but still didnt say a word. Her eyes were filled with the dept of eternity but it seemed like something was missing. "You dont have to be all nervous and shy around me. Just cause Im a big star and everthing dont mean nothing" I said and stepped closer to her. "Listen from now on, Im gonna be your best friend. Dont think of me as Trey Songz or anything; think of me as one of your closest friends. Im gonna be there for you anytime you need me; just call and i'll be there no matter what,ok" I said. I wanted to get closer to her and get to know her better because I really want to be in some part of her life; since I cant be with her.

She nodded her head in agreement. "Alright, now give me some love before I go" I said opening my arms for a hug. She smiled and laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my ams around but lower than before. Her shirt was lifted up a little since she was on her tippy toes. Her brown skin was smooth but I felt something a little odd. I grazed it with my fingers. It felt like a scar. I kept feeling it to see ehat it was, but I guess I put to much pressure on it cause she winced amd her grip tightened around my neck. I removed my fingers and her body relaxed and her grip loosened. We stood wrapped around each other seeming like we never wanted to let go. *Beep Beep*. We heard the car horn from outside. "What yall doing in there?!" they both yelled from the car. We laughed while letting go of eahco thers embrace. "I'll see you later" I said. "Ok" "ima call you when I get back" "Iightt" "Bye bestie" I said opening the door. "Bye boo" she said laughing and rolled her eyes playfully then smiled. I smiled back and walked out the house cheeseing hard. I got in the car and started the engine. As I was driving, I felt eyes on me. I looked to my right to see and lil mama srateing at me and in the the back seeing Keyanna doing the same and they both had a sly grin on their faces. "What?" I asked. "Why you come out the house with that big kool-aid smile" Keyanna asked. "No reason" I said back keeping my eyes on the road. "Hmm" tey both said in unison. I chuckled and they started talking but I wasnt paying attention. My mind was still on Tamia. The way her- What the crap are you talking about Trey. You have a date with Vanessa tonight.

 I pulled myself together and continued on the road. When we got to the house; I went straight upstairs while lil mama showed Keyanna around. Its only 4 so I might as well take a quick nap.

I was awaken by being shook. "Trey get up" lil mama said. I sat up; "What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "7, now get up and lets get ready." I got up ans stretched then walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walked into the closet that was connected and started looking for something to wear. I looked behind and saw that they were right behind me. "What are you doing" "Uhh helping you get dressed duhh. Now lets see what you got" lil mama said and her and Keyanna started searching through my clothes.

I swear I tried on like 10 different outfits till they found a suit they thought was perfect for tonight. "Perfect" they said together. I turned and looked in the mirror. Ya boy looking GOOD!!!!! "Im impressed; nice job" I sat and dapped them up. I had on an all armini suit with a purple bow tie, my rolex, my 5k earrings, and my Rocowear Evolution cologne. I stood back so they could examine me. "FABULOUS!" they both said and gave each other a high five. I laughed at them. "Ok, now sit down, you gotta get the lesson" Keyanna said. "Lesson?" I questioned sitting down on the bed. "Do's and donts" she said. I chucked. "Two 12 year old are telling me what and what not to do on the first date. I think I know what to do by now." "Well yeah, but.....listen; have you ever looked at it from the woman's eyes?" she asked. "What you mean" I asked confused. "Ok this not the lesson but just listen; most woman wont the same thing in a man and thats a gentleman and wanted to be treated like a queen, right?" "Yeah" "But different women want different things. See one woman might want a humorous guy and another might want more serious." "Ok, I see where you going" "Somebody might the way you do this but another may not. You get what Im saying?" lil mamma asked making sure I got the concept. I nodded my head. "You already know Vanessa well so you shouldnt have any problems but anyways lesson time" she said. " Ok 10.Open the door and pull out her chair you know 9.Make her laugh and smile 8.Compliment her but dont go overboard 7.Always look her in the eyes 6.Dont do nothing stupid that would be a turn off lik eat sloppy or burp thats nasty 5.Hand ABOVE the waist and BELOW the breast 4.No kissing 3.No dirty talk 2.No touching or feeling and you know what I mean 1.NO SEX" they said with emphisis. "I know you have done it on the date so dont lie and this why we telling you" lil mama said with seriousness but I just bust out laughing. "Ok ok, I got" I said still laughing. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 7:30. "Ok Ima get going" I said standing up. "Ok you got the address, name of the place, and flowers right?" she asked. "Yeah I got everything" I said and we all walked out my bedroom door. All the way down the stairs, gave them rules on what not to touch or go. "Iightt iightt we got it. What you think we gon do tear the house down" lil mama said. I gave her that duhh face. "We not geeze. Now go" she said openingt he door pushing me out. "Iightt, I'll be back. Wish me luck" "No need. Now bye love you" she said waveing and closeing the door. Those girls, I said to myself and walked to my car.

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