Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

I sighed heavily as I pulled up into the drive way. Fuck I said to myself. What the fuck did she not get?! And now she is here standing at her door! What the hell! Shes crazy! And she's driving me crazy! I need take a breath. Can I have peace for one day?!

"Wow, is that Vanessa" lil mama said as she poked her head in between us. I look where she stood right in front of the door. Her arms were folded and she tapped her foot at a pace where I knew she was angrily waiting on me to get out. And her patience is getting low. I don't want ro get out this car for nothing. Only God knows how long she has been here and from that time she has been thoroughly thinking of everything and anything to say spitting in my face.

"Ummm" I leaned my elbow on the door and settled my heand to hold my head. I rub my hand over my head and closed my eyes as I exhaled. "Um yeah" I finally responded. "And why is she here?" "How about you guys just go in the house and I'll be there in a minute" "Ok. I guess" she said sitting back. Her and Keyana got out of the car. But Tamia sat on her same position as she stared at me with a sad face but a raised eyebrow. I know she confused on what was going on but knew exactly what all of it was about.

"Don't worry about anything. Just go inside please" I asked. She sighed looking down and and got out. She walked up to the door with the kids. I couldn't hear not a word but I see that she spoke to Vanessa. But all Vanessa did was stand there and mean mug her. I felt so bad for Tamia. To have to put her through this. I don't want our recentless bickering to come between what we have or make her think differently about herself.

I waited till they all went inside. I ran my hand over my face as I glanced at her once again standing there in the dark under the dim light growing more and more impatient. I shook my head. I then gave a come here motion in the windsheild to where she can see me. She stomped my way upwards the car with her arms still folded. She opened the passenger door and sat down then slammed the door agresivly. She crossed her legs showing all her thighs in her mini skirt.

I stared at the window as I could feel her staring intro the side of my head. There was nothing but tension and silence. She was mad as hell. You wanna know how I know. Because I can feel as she staring at me she's cutting out my soul and just wants me to go to hell. All her feelings come from her eyes.

I sighed because these minutes of burning silence is killing me.

I huffed before. "Before you get to screaming at me think about everything" "I did already. And I thought of how much of a STUPID BASTARD YOU ARE" "Did you not understand what I said over the phone?! You from yelling at me to saying yourbsorry just because I left! I know you werent sorry you just wanted me to come back home because you were lonely! Have you even thought about what I asked you?! Since you didn't have an answer over the phone I want it now!" "Why does where I go concern you?!" I threw my hands in the air. WHAT THE FUCK!!! "BUT YOU STEADY ASKING ME WHERE IM GOING BUT WHERE YOU GO IS NOT MY BUSINESS! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! YOUR SUCH A HYPOCRIT AND YOUR CRAZY A HELL!" "I'm with my friends there's your answer since you wanna know so bad!" "You think I'm cheating on you because you saw me in her bed! Did you not see the kids between us?! I think not because your so stuck on me cheating on you! I trust yo ass going somewhere but you can't trust me! I be with my friend so why is that a problem! Your with yours as you say and I'm with mine so why are you going wild!" "Because I don't like her!" "I don't give a fuck if you do or don't she's my best friend! You can't choose the people I hang with!" "Shut the fuck up Tremaine!!!" "No you shut the fuck up. I can't even go nowhere with you breathing down my neck about it! But I let you go where you please because I trust you! But you don't have one once of trust in you for me do you?! DO YOU?!" I can't help but to explode. I went on and on and on how much of bullshit she put me through. I was so angry with her. He drives me crazy!!!

I continued to go on and on on everything . All she did was stare at me. Then suddenly her face dropped with sadness and began to cry. Now I hate to see women cry. It hurts me. it can be something simple or happy theyre crying about but I don't care I don't like it.

So I instantly became calm and jet wanted to hold her and console her.

"Vanessa please don't cry" I begged. Tears streamed down her face and she leaked tears into her hands. "Nessa please" I began to break down in sorrow. I took her in my eyes and rub her back and she sobbed into my chest.

"Just say it" she said her words muffled. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Say what" "Just say you don't love me anymore and that you love her" she cryed harder. I pulled her away from my chest and removed her hands from her face. Her eyes were red. She was serious about this. "That's what you believe?" "That's what it seems like" "Nessa I love you with all my heart. I plan go marry you one day. I want us to be together forever. Connected through heart and soul. I love you Nessa. I love her as a friend. I love you as my future wife. I just hang with her alot because she's my best friend. She's a single mother. Even though she's independent I want to be there for her. That's all. Your my further love" She wiped her eyed with the back of her hand. I pulled her face to me and kissed her passionately. I tasted the sharp tears that were stained on her lips.

I pulled away running my hand in her hair. I looked deep into her eyes. "I love you and you better remember that" "I love you too" she responded kissing me again.

The kissing turned into touching and feeling and became more serious. She was now straddling me with my hands feeling on her ass.

"Not here" I breathed heavily against her lips. "Let's go home then" she said against mine. "Ok" I kissed her roughly one more time before letting her hop off of me and going inside. I went up to Tamia's room.

"Are you ok?" she asked coming out of her bathroom. "Yeah. Um I'm gonna go home" "That's good. I guess you guys made up. And more indicating the lipstick on your neck" she said. I wiped it off and chuckled. "Um yeah. I guess I'll see you later" "Sure" she said. But they way she said it was a little off. "What's wrong?" "Nothing" "Yes there is. Tell me. You know I know you better than that" I said. She sighed and walked up to me. "Just don't let sex solve all your problems ok" "Um sure I guess" "I'm serious Trey" she said crossing her arms. "Ok ok. I hear you. Alright" "Ok" "Hug me woman" I said taking her into my arms. I ran my hand in her hairs as she hugged me tight. "Don't cry baby. I'll be back. I know you'll miss me" "Bye big boy" she said pushing me off. "That isn't my name" She rolled her eyes and huffed. "Bye daddy" "That's more like it" I said with a smirk. "Bye" "What I tell you about saying bye" "What?" "Bye means you'll never see me again" "Sorry. See ya later" "Ok"

I went out of her room and got lil mama from Kee's room.

"We going home?" "Yeah lil mama" I said placing my hand on her head. "Why?" I sighed. "Let's just go" "No" she said stopping. "I wanna stay here" "Why?" she gave the Kanye Shrug. "I just do. Can I stay here?" "Sure just ask Tamia"

She ran back up the stairs to Tamia's room.

"She said yes" she screamed from the top. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow to come get you" "Ok. See ya dad"

I went back to the car.

The drive home was terrible. I was so ready to lay her down. She kept feeling on me and teasing me. But karma came back.

I tore that ass up when we got home.

TORN (a Trey Songz story *EDITING*)Where stories live. Discover now