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Chapter 31

I drove back home with Lexi. She was alright and I was okay also. I'll have to go see the cops today.

I got home and dropped my stuffs. I took a quick shower and dressed up. I got down and James was already waiting for me.

You're not taking me to today. I'll be going myself. I said. No sir. You're not too good. Let me take you. He said.

No. Its okay. I'm having meeting with the cops. Not really meeting but they need to ask me something questions. I'll be fine. No worries. I ensured him. Alright? He asked.

Alright. I smiled and entered the car. Then, I drove off. Soon, I received a call from Mr. Williams.

Sir, the police wants to see you now. Come to the station real quick or you'd be the prime suspect. He said. I'm on my way already. I'll be there soon. I said.

Alright. I'll inform them. He said and I hung up. I drove fast and I got to the station. I entered and went inside.

The first person I saw was Mr. Williams. You made it. He smiled and we shook hands. Let's go in to meet the inspector. He said. Inspector, here's Mr. Hurtado. He said.

Oh. Welcome. He said shaking hands with me. Don't panic. You're not getting arrested. Just few questions. He laughed and I managed to smile.

Have your sit. Mr. Williams, can you please excuse us? He said and Mr. Williams nodded then left.

Alright. So sir, about the fire incident that happened in the hotel. It was reported that the fire started from your room. He said. Yes. Really, I didn't know. It was Mr. Williams who told me after I woke up. I said and he nodded.

What do you know about it? He asked. Sir, I know nothing. I only know I woke up to fire around me and my wife was screaming. I said.

Note. Whatever you say now is being recorded. It would be used for you or against you. He said professionally. Your work. I smiled.

So what do you think? Do you think it was a mere accident or was planned? He asked.

It wasn't a mistake inspector. If it were to be a mistake, it would come from me or my wife and we did nothing like that. It was apparently a plan. There was no sign of any electric appliance that blew up. There was no issue with electricity and there's no sign of fire. The room is clean. I said.

Have you gone back to the hotel since the incident? He asked. No. Not at all. I replied. So how'd you know all these? He asked.

Its apparent. I tried to take note of my surroundings. I know none of those happened. Its an attempted murder. Sorry. Its arson. The person committed arson. I said.

Alright. The building is still going through investigation. Its apparently a case of arson. We just called you to get any clue. Its obvious the person is after either you probably your wife. He said. Yes sir. I said.

A phone rang and he picked. Tell me. He said. Alright. I'm trying to get clues from him too. Thanks. He said and hung up.

Sorry for that interference. Something was found. The person set up fire and made use of petroleum to trigger the fire to spread round. The fingerprint has been cleaned. The person probably used gloves or after all, the person cleaned all the trace of where he/she's been. Do you have any suspect? He asked.

My suspect is my brother. Unfortunately, he was among those affected. So, I don't have a point. He can't be so dumb to harm himself. I said.

Alright. No clue? I mean apart from that, nothing else? He asked. Erm....I know its not one person. They're two. A male and a female. I said surely.
How do you know that? He asked.

When I was surrounded by fire and was hearing my wife scream. I saw the shadow of two people walk away from us. Male and female. They didn't look like they were trying to escape from the fire. I know they have something to do with it.

If at all they were trying to escape, why were they coming out of our room? They couldn't have been trying to help cos they were leaving like they've been there not that they just entered. I said.

Right. A male and a female. He repeated nodding. Let's get the names of people that were at the meeting. Besides, have you checked the camera footage? I asked.

That. Oh. Yes. We have but everything that happened that day is nowhere to be found on the footage. The person must've tampered with the camera also.

Right. Thank you Mr. Hurtado please inform us if you get any news on it. I'll also inform you when I get to know anything. Thanks you for coming. He said. I'll do anything. I smiled.

Why won't you? Its your life at risk. He smirked. I know right. I laughed and we shook hands. I'll contact you when I get to know anything. I'll try to get more information. I said.

Alright sir. We'd be expecting your call. He said and I left. So how was the meeting? He asked. Just few questions. Its okay. I said.

Alright. I'll try to do anything I can also. He said. Thanks. I said and we shook hands. I entered my car and drove off.

I have to find that person. The person is after me. If I'm not careful, the person would own this story. No. It's not done. I'll have to secure my life and my family's. Alright. I'll do what I can.

I got home and went back to my room. I got my phone and texted the receptionist at the hotel, Ms Beth to send me all of the names of those who attended the meeting.

I needed to start making investigations. I got the names and started to check them out.

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