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Chapter 21

I sat with Axel by my side, expecting the doctor. Just then, he came out and I walked to him.

Sir, I found rohypnol. He said. And that is.... I said or asked expecting a reply. Oh. Sorry. Its a sedative that's often called date rape drug. He said.

What?! Date rape drug?! I was astonished. Yes but it can also be used for other purpose. It makes people get unconscious and weak.

The person won't be able to fight back and the person would just be lost. It could've been mixed in a drink. It could have no taste or colour so he wouldn't have noticed. He said and I nodded.

Someone would've mixed it in his drink. I wondered who. It can't be Maddox.

If it was to be me, it would definitely be him but this is Haseeb, they're great friends.

************************************ I went over to Darby's room to scan where he must've been. I went to his table and I found a tablet on the floor also the pack right under his table and spilled juice with the cup on the floor.

I picked up the pack and it was boldly written on it: Rohypnol. I took it and kept it in my pocket.

I went to check the camera and the record of those who entered but one date was missing and the date was the day Darby died. Also the camera was clean.

They're messing with me and I'll kill them. I promise. There's a date missing. I informed Axel. You left the record book with Darby. He told me and I nodded. I know. I spat.

I'm sorry sir. He apologised. Sorry for yourself! I snapped. Do you know if Darby had any plans for that day? I asked him. Erm...not really but I remember that he was going to have someone around but I don't know who. You should probably ask Alec. He said and I nodded.

I need to find out who must've done this. I should ask Alec. Call me Alec. I said to Axel and he left immediately. Alec was Axel closest and personal guard.

He's always with Darby and he's the one who gives him drink, clothes and he does other personal jobs. Soon, Alec came and bowed. You called for me sir. He said.

Yes I did. You are the closest out of all of them to Axel. You're always with him. I said. Yes sir. He confirmed. Right. Do you know who Axel was going to meet that day? I asked him.

Erm...no sir but he said he was excited on meeting the person. He said. Okay then, what happened to him? I asked. Sir, it wasn't me I promise. I didn't even get to stay with him that day. He rushed.

Shut it! I asked a simple question. Weren't you the one to give Darby the juice? I asked. No sir. I'm sorry but Adonis collected it from me. He said he'd give it to him for me. He stuttered.

You fool! And you trusted him! On a normal day, does he come help you take it to Darby?! How foolish can you be?! I yelled.

He told me my fiancée was waiting for me and I offended her the last time so I thought it was my last chance to explain stuffs to her. He said. Look. I didn't ask for your love life story! I snapped.

So did you see her? I asked. No sir. He stammered. You fool! And it didn't hit you that something was wrong somewhere. I snarled.

I'm sorry sir. I thought it was just his everyday prank because he jokes a lot. He said and I fumed. You scoundrel! I yelled and threw a punch at his nose.

Where is Adonis?! I hollered holding his collar fiercely. He's on leave sir. He said and I pushed him away. I'm going to his house right away. Call me James now! I said.

Yes sir. He said and left. I needed to meet Adonis. He's a joker. Always joking around. Why could he have done this? Something caused it.

There's something up. No one's to be trusted. Sir you called me. James said and I turned around.

Yes. By 6 tomorrow, you're taking me to Adonis house. You know his place right? I asked. Yes sir. He replied. So by 6 tomorrow, you've gotta be ready. I won't tolerate late coming. I said strictly.

Yes sir. I'll be at your doorstep. He said. Not at my house. I'll sleep here. It would be easier for you. I said and he nodded. Okay sir. He said and turned to leave.

I went into my room and showered. I was fuming. I can't handle stuffs by myself at this time. I'd ruin everything and I'm ready to as long as it deals with the person who has always risked everything for me.

He's always been there. I'll avenge for his death even if it'll be the last thing I'll do before I die. I'll kill that person with such insolence to harm a peacemaker.

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