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Chapter 8

"You ready?" Maddox asked from outside.

"Uhm...Just a sec and I'll be out." I said and quickly put a slight make up on.

I stepped into my white training shoesand almost ran out of the room.

I and Maddox were heading to the field for a little exercise.

I was putting on a red shorts with white stripes and white canvas.

"C'mon, let's go." He said holding my hands.

We walked to the field and did a little work out. We jogged round the street and raced down the field. We played volleyball and soccer.

"You're tired?" He asked.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Okay. I'll be having a meeting soon. I'll have to get ready. You go freshen up, see you around." He smiled and I nodded.

He stroked my cheeks and left immediately.

I dragged my feet on the floor as I walked towards the house.

I opened the door and the person I saw was the last the person I'd ever wish to see in my life, grumpy and I rolled my eyes.

"Where are you coming from?" He asked but I just walked past him like he wasn't talking.

"Lexi!" He yelled.

Gosh! I hate him calling my name.

I didn't look back at all. Its been like this for weeks.

I've succeeded in ignoring him for weeks after the day he made me cry. I never for once answered him when he talked to me.

I went to my room and took a quick shower. I changed into a skinny jeans, a top and white strappy heels.

I quickly tied my hair in a messy bun and made my lips a little glossy. I took a blue cross bag and went out.

Wanted to go shopping. Its been pretty long I've gone shopping.

I got out and still met grumpy the same place I left him, he was on phone.

He dropped his phone immediately he saw me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked sharply but I walked past him.

"Answer me now!" He roared.

Sincerely, I was scared of his growl. He could hit me. Who knows? But I acted like I wasn't scared and continued walking.

He pulled me back this time and I almost lost balance.

"You've been doing this for weeks now!" He yelled.

"What do you want?!" I asked calmly.

"Tell me where you're going!" He demanded.

And how's that your business?!" I snapped.

"I'm your fucking husband and you're my wife! I deserve to know any shit you do!" He growled.

"Oh really." I paused.

"Am I your wife? Oh, i almost forgot that." I said cooly

"Don't play with me!" He warned.

"Are you out of your mind?! After all the shits, you come telling me you deserve to know anything I do. Are you insane?! You don't deserve to know anything! How did you even know my name?" I yelled.

"Oh. Maybe on the wedding invitations. Fair." I replied myself.

"You were the one who wanted to punish me by agreeing to the proposal. Didn't I tell you you were punishing yourself?" He snapped.

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