T H I R T Y - S E V E N

282 120 136

Oh crap, I'm so dead.

His face turned into frustration when he realised who I am.

I gulped, "S-sorry, your majesty."

He didn't say anything but just continue to stare deep into my eyes for the next few seconds. Thankfully the staring was broken off by someone or else I might as well faint on the spot due to lack of oxygen because I wasn't breathing.

"Your majesty, your speech is in two minutes."

He broke his staring off me and walked away. I let out a huge breath and stabilised my breathing before I search for Olivia or Miguel. A minute later and I still I can't find them anywhere and seeing all these people who I don't know giving me occasional stares as I am the only one in the ballroom who isn't Spanish fed into my anxiety so I decided to go to a corner and try not to have a meltdown.

I saw the lights on the ceilings move their focus to the stairs which means the king is about to speak. A man who is around his thirties walked up the stairs as all the spotlights wearing a dark blue suit and holding a microphone in his hands.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention as his royal majesty, king Eduardo Calderon is going to give his speech. Thank you."

The room became much quieter in the matter of seconds and the man walked down the stairs and passed the microphone to the king, the spotlight switching over to the king.

"Good evening to all who are here tonight for the fifty-sixth winter ball. Ever year it's always such a joy to be having this ball as I have taken on the role from my father, King Elvio and I'm sure my son, Ricardo-" He looked over at his son who is standing in front with his wife and Nicandro, "- will continue this tradition when he is to become king in the future. Remember there'll be an auction in the longue area all the way down the hallway in an hour and all proceed will divided and go to ten of the elderly cares in Madrid. Thank you all for coming once again and have a great night ahead."

The room broke into gentle applause and everyone resumed to their own conversations again. Nicandro was still standing near the stairs all the way at the front of the ballroom whilst I'm all the way at the back which is near the exit. Plus, he's with his parents and there's no way I can do the whole 'meet the parents' thing right now. I sighed and walked over to the refreshments area to get something cold to drink to maybe help calm my nerves.

I looked at the menu for a minute before deciding, "Can I get a pink lemonade?"

The guy behind the counter furrowed his eyebrows and stared at me for a few seconds, "I don't serve drinks to outsiders."

That reply felt like a spear piercing right through my heart. I'm an outsider here because I'm not Spanish. I shouldn't have came here, the only reason I came here was to experience some type of 'fairytale ball' but instead I'm being-

"That wasn't such a nice thing to say." A voice behind me said.

The man's eyes widened, "Y-your highness, I'm-"

"Save it. Apologise to her right now and get her the pink lemonade she asked for."

"I'm sorry, Miss." He bend his head down a little.

"And get me a Hawaiian mocktail." He added.

"Right away, your highness." The man quickly started making the drinks.

I turned behind and was disappointed that it was not Nicandro but someone from his family. He's around my age, black hair, light brown eyes and incredibly sharp jawline.

"Thanks, your highness." I said weakly as he took a sit on the stool next to me.

He crossed his arms, "You don't know who I am, do you?"

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