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"You got everything?" Breton was standing at my door.

"Yep." I zipped up by luggage and make my way down.

"I'll help you with that."


"Just remember, if you need anything-"

"I'll call you. Again, thanks for everything." And I went in for a hug.

"I really hope you find the answers you need."

"Me too."

And we heard the car horn.

"That's my cue."

"Stay safe."

Efren stepped out of the car and put my luggage into the car trunk. I opened the back door and saw that Nicandro was already sitting inside.



"You okay?"

"I've been better."

This was awkward. I mean, how am I suppose to act in front of the prince of Spain? Should I address him as your highness or something?

"This is why I didn't tell you, besides the fact that you might expose me. I know I'm the prince of Spain, but I'm still a regular guy."

"Being a prince does not make you regular." I snorted.

"I'm still a human being."

"A human being with a royal title."

Then there was silence. I even saw Efren looking at us in the review mirror.

"I'm-I'm sorry, okay? I haven't had the time to process everything yet. Two weeks ago I was a nobody, an orphan living in the streets. Since then, my best friend was killed, I've been to two countries, found out my parents were drug lords, had multiple people tried to kill me, been captured, escaped from a bomb, made a new friend who died a few days ago and now I'm sitting in a car with a prince and going against a drug lord who apparently killed my parents."

I let out my breath I didn't know I was holding. That felt a little better, to let everything out.

I felt something warm on my hand. I looked and I saw that Nicandro has placed his hands on top on my hand. That sent warmth all the way to my heart, making me feel ten times better.

"No normal person can go through all of that in the span of two weeks and still persevere on. You're much stronger than a normal person."

"Thank you, your-"

"You address me by my name. And that's not a request." I can see a smirk forming on his face.

"As you wish, Nicandro." I couldn't help but smile a little.

After an hour, the plane took off with me still kind of freaking out being on a private plane for the first time. Although it does feel kind of weird that I'm on a private plane right now, as my parents were killed when they were on their own private plane. The reassuring thing here is that the prince of Spain is on the plane with me, so I can feel secured that I won't fall into the ocean, I would drown cause I don't know how to swim.

"Would like anything to drink?" An air stewardess asked me.

"Just water will be fine." She nodded and walked away.

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