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"Thailand? I'm going on a plane? We're leaving Russia?"

I still couldn't believe it. I was leaving Russia for the first time, even though the circumstances weren't ideal.

"Yes, yes and yes," Viktor said nonchalantly.

Marlene set her tea down. "Your name will be Tiana Zima for the next week or so."

Zima? Wait, what? Why do I have to-

"Looks like you are going to be my 'daughter' for however long that we are in Thailand," Viktor did the air quotation as he said that.

"Why not 'niece' instead? That would be more believable," I questioned.

"That might cause some issues since you're half Asian. We would definitely get questioned by security officers at the airport and the last thing we need is attention on us."

I narrowed my eyes at him. He can't possibly pull this off. "But you think a thirty-one-year-old with a seventeen-year-old daughter is more believable?"

Viktor stopped to think. "They're people having kids at the age of fourteen... I think."

The next thing I knew, laughter filled the room. I hadn't laughed since that night with Zari. Amidst everything that was going on, I was glad that I was still able to share some laughter with the people who have helped me through the last two days. I honestly didn't know how I would be without them.

"Viktor is also dying his hair to an auburn colour to match yours," Marlene said in between her peals of laughter.

The next two days passed pretty quickly as I spent most of it shopping for new clothes. For the clothes, I had to buy t-shirts and shorts to suit the appropriate season in Thailand, but they do not experience the four seasons so it's pretty much around thirty-degree Celsius all year long.

Viktor spent the two days using his connections to try and get my passport ready in the next forty-eight hours. Marlene said there were loads of screaming over the phone. Predicted as much.

Marlene spent the two days sorting out the aftermath of the havoc at the restaurant. Giving a statement to the press on what happened, receiving phone calls from half the employees that they wish to resign effective immediately and dealing with bombarding questions from the police once again.

Adequate Dining had to be closed for two weeks while the police were still trying to gather any fingerprints of evidence left behind to hopefully close the case. Viktor also wanted some new renovations to be done so it looks 'cleansed from the shooting'. However, from the looks of it, it might take a few months for this whole thing to be settled. He also transferred the ownership of the diner to Marlene for the meantime.

That night, after dinner, Marlene brought the plates into the kitchen and I helped her clean the table. It felt good, to feel placid for the first time in days, to be normal, having a proper meal and people who care about me.

"So our main objective is to get information on the flight details. Not some bullshit they gave me when I asked them over the phone the last time."

"How exactly are we going to do that? Seven trained killers were sent to kill you, let me remind you," I simply stated.

"We are going to get help from your parents' friend, Anton. Remember I told you he was running their hotels now? There is still a hotel in Thailand, and I've done some research and I'm positive that he's there right now."

I nodded and as I was about to head to my room, Viktor took something out of his pocket.

"I think it's about time that you have this... well you're living in the twenty-first century after all." He chuckled as he handed me a smartphone.

𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ