T W E N T Y - O N E

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After two hours, I put the stuff I had in my luggage into the closet as well as trying on all the things already in the closet. Did Nicandro bought all this clothes, shoes and accessories just for me? My cheeks heated a little at the thought.

After playing dress up for about a hour an a half, I decided to take a nice bath whilst trying out the bath products in the bathroom. There were a huge variety of them such as bath bombs, bath salts, bath gel, body scrubs and other weird stuffs I've never even heard of but added into the bathtub anyways.

Breton also checked in with me, I told him I was fine but he didn't believe that I was actually safe. Then I told him staying in a freaking mansion with Nicandro, he kept quite after that.

I've decided to put on a long sleeve t-shirt paired of sweatpants but changed my mind to leggings instead. I figure it would be weird wearing sweatpants walking around in a mansion.

I walked along the same hallway which I walked to my room previously, followed by walking down the flight of stairs and back into the main room. I saw two ladies bringing dishes walked passed me and I follow suit behind them.

The dining room was pretty small as there were only six chairs around the table. I was pretty sure this wasn't the main dining room anyway. There were four fat and long candles at the four corners of the room, with a big ring light on the centre of the wall. I spotted Nicandro sitting at one of the two chairs at the side, so I took a seat directly opposite him.

"Hey." He said as he spotted me pulling out the chair and put the phone down.

"Hi." I said as sat down.

"How did you like your room for the time being?"

"I hope that's a rhetorical question." I chuckled.

"I'm glad you're satisfied with it, you'll be staying there for a while. Anyway, let's eat."

"This looks good." And looked down at the cheese baked rice.

"It's the chef's specialty."

"Oh wow, it's amazing." I took a mouthful of the rice.

"I know, I only eat it on an occasion."

"And what's the occasion?" I asked.

"First, you're here. Second, we're both going to take down a drug lord." He gave me a smile and I returned it.

We ate in silence for a few minutes before I propped him with a question.

"So have you asked the detectives?"

"Yeah, they won't budge, as I predicted."

"Who do you think they're controlled by?"

"They can be controlled by anyone who is willing to pay them money to keep quiet or someone with power over them."

"That doesn't narrow down our suspects at all." I sighed.

"We'll just have to look for motives to begin with. I'll have Efren dig up some files on the powerful people in Madrid."

"Okay. And you're going to ask your grandfather about it too?"

"I don't know. He doesn't let me in on these things which is annoying. Like he wants me to take on bigger roles but doesn't fill me in on the threats against my family, we kind of got into a huge argument about it." And took a sip of his drink.

"That's why you went away?"


"It's fine. I wouldn't even have the resource if not for you, we'll just do it another way."

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