T H I R T Y - F I V E

272 126 102

"I ordered pancakes and omelets for breakfast." I saw Peter sitting on the couch watching the TV.

"They don't have waffles?"

"Yeah, but pancakes are better."

I gave him a sour face.

"You're team waffle." He said in realisation.

"Whatever I'll just eat the pancakes since you already ordered them." I shrugged but was actually sad that I won't get to eat waffles for breakfast. I was really craving for them.

I was glad that I can wake up from an actual bed this morning. Yesterday after I take really freaking long shower and change into new clothes, I spent the whole day hanging with Peter and Nicandro even though I can tell that they were both exhausted. During lunch, Peter talked about his new job which is helping rich people track down their missing teenage children and Nicandro talked about some of the drama in his school and how excited he is that winter break had started. All this talk just make me want to have a normal life and be able to have these normal conversations with normal people.

After lunch, we spent two hours playing board games and then decided to watch a movie called mean girls. The guys fell asleep during the movie so I made use of the time and called Breton, telling me about what happened when I was held hostage and I think he almost had a heart attack but I felt good to talk about what happened to me in there with someone. I also talked to him about the possibility if I can go to Singapore to study as I saw online that their education system is one of the best in the country and it's also great that I have someone who I know there with me. He was very elated that I have been thinking about my future and will start making calls to schools as soon as possible.

"Did you meet felon?" Peter asked as we were eating breakfast.

"No, I don't even think he's in Spain right now because of what he did to the royal family two months ago."

"Did you get any information that could be useful?"

"Someone else knows who I am and is after me." I said quietly even though we are alone.


"I don't know. All I know is that the person who killed my best friend and that guy who tried to kill me in Palencia was not sent by felon." I left out the part where I killed the woman.

"What are you going to do?"

"Nothing? All I want is to have a normal life and go to school, not figuring out who is trying to kill me. I was actually planning to go to Singapore to study as I know someone who can help me enroll in a school. All this time I've poking in places I shouldn't be and that may have upset some people who I shouldn't mess with so I guess after I just leave it as it be hopefully I can live my life in peace."

"I want that for you too. I was also thinking that I'm going to go back to Russia after seventeen years and help out at adequate dining, I've already spoken to Marlene last week." He said and took a sip of his coffee.

"Good for you, when are you planning to go back?"

"Tomorrow." I wasn't expecting that.

"That's really soon."

"Yeah, I want to get back before Christmas and leave all this behind me as I sort of got the revenge since his base operation in Thailand and Madrid were destroyed. Plus, I already got an apartment. What about you?"

"Should be within the next few days, I'll have to talk the guy I know and tell Nicandro."

"He invited you to the ball?" I had totally forgotten about the ball.

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