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It's five minutes to nine and I'm sitting in the hotel lobby waiting for Nicandro with two men standing a few meters away from me. Peter left early this morning and went back to the hotel he's staying at to pack up his things. I'll be staying at this hotel in the time being until I find out what is the king hiding and his connection to felon. I've also been thinking for a few days now what my life will be like after everything. I'll go back to Russia and live on the streets again? Without Zari I'm sure I won't be able to survive even a month before I get hurt by the gangsters or even worse.

That's when my phone vibrated and read the message shown on the screen.

Nicandro :) : I'm right outside.

I got up from the couch I was sitting on near the fireplace and walked out of the hotel. There were many cars parked outside but then I saw one car rolled down its window a little and walked towards it.

"Hey." Nicandro said as I closed the car door.


"You slept well?" And I tensed at the question.

I saw Efren looked at me from the review mirror as well, making me more uncomfortable.

"The bed wasn't as comfortable as the one in the mansion." I forced out a laugh, "So where are we going?"

"A museum."

"But you said we're eating breakfast together."

"In a museum."

"While that should be interesting." I said while my mind was still thinking on how to break the news to him.

Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at the back entrance of the museum. Nicandro stopped me when I was going to step out of the car.

"Wear this first." He hands me a sunglass and I saw the word 'chanel' which I'm quite sure that's a famous brand.

I nodded and put the sunglass on. Efren held an umbrella to shield us walking into the museum. Once I entered the museum, there was no one inside, not even a security guard and there was pin drop silence. I looked at the paintings hung on the wall, from those very expressive and colourful ones to those emotionless and dull. I followed suite behind Nicandro, walking up the stairs to the second floor, then I spotted a small table with two bean bags in a corner.

"It's cute." I commented.

"I'm glad." He blushed.

As I sat down, I saw that there was lemonade which is my favourite drink, waffles with crepes. My heart felt warm that he remembers I told him I prefer waffles than pancakes and those delicious crepes that we had in Palencia.

"I've to warn you that the crepes are not as good as the ones we had in Palencia." He gave an apologetic smile. Oh my god, he's so cute.

I took a bite of the crepe and it is indeed not as good, but still good nonetheless.

"It's still good." I swallowed the bite that I took.

I looked around to admire the painting and I spotted this painting in particular that caught my attention. The painting itself is just a lot of random lines and a splash of blue colour at the corner. When I look at it, I see the simple and the sophisticated.

"So you just made a call and got them to close this place for an hour?" And I took a sip of the lemonade. Very refreshing.

"It wasn't as easy as you thought. I had to give the guy to owns this museum an invitation to the Christmas ball." I remember reading about it in the gossip website too.

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