13 November 2013

171 7 9

A/N: Hey! I'm sorry for these late updates but I've finished exams and I get my christmas holidays very soon, which means I will get time to update soon, also make sure to read the author's note at the end because it really is important, anyways, without further ado, I hope you enjoy the chapter.



After leaving for college on Sunday, Lenny and I talked on Monday, but afterwards she seemed so distant, her messages were short and yesterday as I called her she didn't answer, which made me worried. I just hope she won't be hurt.

I sighed in frustration as she didn't answer again.
'"Hey what's wrong?" Ed asked me, I shrugged.
"She hasn't been answering my calls"
"Who? Lenny?" He asked again and I nodded, sending her another text. "Dude she's maybe at school and she forgot her phone at home"
"No, she never forgets it." I said surely.
"Maybe she did today" He said taking a sip of his bottle of water.
I shrugged. "I don't know."
"You do know how seniors are, all busy with school" He said placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Senior? dude she's only 16, she's a sophmore." I said and it lit up like a lightbulb in my head.
She's 16, I'm 21... She's a minor, I'm not.
"Man! dude are you insane?! Do you want to rot in jail?" He said in such a chocked tone.
I slammed my head on the table and slapped myself, keeping my hands on my cheeks. "I know!! Damn I cannot believe I never- HOW COULD I?!" I was foolish enough.
I can't reallty describe what I'm feeling right now.
I was with a minor. I can't even.
This is probably why she's not answering.
I feel so down right now, realising I can't kiss her lips anymore, I can't hold her like I used to anymore, I don't even know if she wants to talk to me anymore.

I wanted to talk to her though, and I will. I'll just wait till I finish my classes today, and I will directly head to her house, I just want to talk to her and clear things up.

After finishing up my classes, it was 1:00 pm, I took a shower and got dressed.
"Where are you going?" Ed asked as I got the keys.
"To talk to her, clear things up" I said to him as I headed to the door.
I didn't wait for him to say anything else, I went to the car and drove off.

By the time I arrived at her house, she was already home, I parked the car, noticing her mom's car isn't there. I got out, and knocked on her door.

"Who Is it?" She asked.
"William" I said out loud, it took her a while to open the door, but she did eventually.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me in such a cold tone, that would make ice seem warm.
"We need to talk" I said to her.
"I don't think-There's nothing we need to talk about. It's best for you-us if you leave." She said, this time her tone seeming broken.
"Look, I do know what you're talking about, and I'm so sorry because right now, it feels like I played you, and I don't want you to think that way, we can be friends, like before, and you can find someone better, and younger. It will be all okay, and I will slowly pull away you wouldn't even notice, you'll find someone who'll make you happy, the light in your darkness, and it will be someone better-"
"Someone better?" She cut me off "William I don't want to-I mean no one-I've never been happier when-Please just don't make this any harder, I mean-I don't want you to go, you're the best thing I ever had I don't even think I will be okay"
"Yes you will, you'll be fine, you'll be great, happier than ever, life is a great place Lenny" I said to her, even though I know it won't be that much, at least not with me.
"Life is a great place?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Life is nothing, you see, this happy crap how life is just great is all fake, Life is not a great place, I don't know what you see great in it, is it the people dying? the ones that hate around that makes everything such a misery? is life great in it's miserable people? or is it great with all the pain and sorrow it holds in everyone's heart? Tell me, what do you see so great in life, I thought- that's it, the famous happy ending, it's all bogus, this is the real world, where you're just sad deep on the inside all the time or you buy yourself things to feel; better, William don't you dare tell me it will be okay when you were the only one to make my days better." Her voice was breaking, and it was obvious tears were forming in her eyes. I approached and gave her a hug, but she pulled away.
"Do you know how hard this is on me right now?" She said as the tears stream on her eyes grew. "I just want you to go but I don't want you to at the same time" She said sobbing in mid sentence.
"I'll always talk to you, you know?" I said trying to make things better. "I won't let you go, things will just be different, untill it's the right time." I added.
"I don't want you waiting for me. It's not worth it, just promise you'll keep on talking to me, friends is better than nothing" She said seeming way better right now. "I think you should go now" She gave me a smile which didn't last long.
"I'll talk to you once I get to my dorm" I said to her and she nodded, I got into the car and headed back to campus.

A million thought was going through my mind right now, like why haven't I realised she's younger way before I probably gave her-us hope, I can't help but feel guilty, and hurt, I liked her, a lot, but it's for the best.


I watched William drive away and then went back home, to my room, sat down on the couch, hugged a pillow and sobbed untill god knows when.

I didn't know it would be this hard to face him, I didn't know It would be this hard not to break down, I was devastated, heart broken. I couldn't even describe what I felt, but somewhat the back of my mind can't help but think 'you were destined to be broken'


A/N: Hey! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I wrote it in two hours, I wanted to make it bigger butat the same time I dind't want you to wait more.
Plot change yeah?
What I wanted to say is that this book will be coming to an end soon, Yes, I wanted to keep going but I don't want the story to drag on, BUUT I have good news!!
1: There WILL be a sequel if we reach 20K reads which I hopefully believe you will get me to.
2: I've talked to my mom and we will probably publish this book a while after it's done, but it's not sure yet, but yeah.
Also I'm doing some major editing to the
story, I've so far fixed the first two chapters if you'd like to read them ^-^ keep checking my profile to know which chapters I have edited!

Also It would be super great if you vote and leave a comment, I love reading your feedback and all, because you're awesome.


Diaries of a suicidal mind(Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now