13 October 2013

565 11 2

A/N: HIII it's been so long :o but I'm back!! anyways, enjoy this chapter <3
Oh and thanks again for all the votes :o and the reads <3 i love you all

I went home, threw myself on the bed and screamed into my pillow with excitment, can this get any better?

no it cannot. because after my session of screaming and squealing, mom came up to me, with a so  not happy expression  on her face, Heck she was mad.

"Where have you been young lady?"

"I uh...uh..was with an-and-d-rew" I mumbled with hesitation, Like should I lie or be honest?

"Oh okay, goodnight sweetie" She left right after planting a kiss on my forhead. Really? I know I shouldn't be mad because I am not grounded or anything but heck maybe I lied to her oh god mom trusts me way too much. Oh hey, that's cool, mom trusts me.

I went to bed and just fell asleep right after that, going to my dreamland where I can be happy-oh so happy- but sooner or later I woke up by the alarm sound pounding in my ears.
I let out a small sigh before getting up, heading to the bathroom for a bath.
after that i opened my closet to find myself an outfit, uh what to wear what to wear was all I was humming.
I finally found some decent jeans and a white sweater, keeping it casual.

I went to my bus after saying my goodbyes to mom abd headed to my lonely bus seat..
A buzz in my pocket woke me from my daydream, I got two texts, one from andrew which honestly the fact that he messaged me gave me a heart attack, and one from William, that made me smile.

William: "Goodmorning beautiful, hope you have a great day <3 and soon I'll be out of the hospital so we can hang out :D"
He's so sweet! God he's so nice, is all brittish people that nice?
Me: "Mornin' willy hope you feelin' better today<3 can't wait to see you!"
While Andrew's text was:
Andrew: "Morning u up yet? anyways beautiful gotta talk to u at school<3 love you"
Me:"yea i'm up, love you too<3"
Is it wrong that I love andrew? and that I feel butterflies when I'm near him? and that my heart skips a beat or two when he talks to me? and that it's hard to breathe or speak to him?
I think I've fallen for him, and that's probably because I haven't gotten any affection for a long time.

Sooner or later, I arrived to school, And as promised, Andrew was waiting for me infront of my locker with a rose in his hand. hold on, a rose? oh jesus take the wheel.

"Hey beautiful" he said as he gave me a hug and handed me the rose.
"Hi" I said shyly.
"What I don't get a hello handsome, hi sexy or anything?" he asked pouting and I let out a small giggle.
"So what's the thing you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked trying to change the subject.
"Don't change the topic now you owe me a kiss" he said pinting to his cheek.
Me, who's beyond happy let out a fake annoyed sigh, "Fine" as I smooched his cheeks that soon turned bright red.
"You're cute when you blush" I admitted.
"I don't do cute, do I look like a bunny?" he said while drawing some fake bunny ears with his finger.
"yea you do" I guess I got some confidence. and with that, the bell rang and I went to my class.

The day went by pretty quickly and as soon as the bell to go home rang, I got out of my class.
Suddenly, I bumped into a hard chest.
"Where you think you goin'?" I heard the stranger's voice say. I looked up to see who's that guy which turned out to be Andy, some dude from Andrew's friends.
"uh home" I said quietly.
"hell no you coming with us, Andrew's gonna give you a ride home, isn't he your boyfriend whatsoever?"
I was silent, I can't just go with him like that I don't know why but I just can't.
"Leave her alone man she'll start crying" this time his friend Jake answered. you remember jake? the Ex boyfriend I dated when I was 14? it doesn't even count as a boyfriend since it was just I had a crush on him I told him we hung out for some weeks and after my brother died, he stopped talking to me, not even said a goodbye.
but hey, my brother used to tell me that everything happens for a reason.
"just leave her alone" finally andrew came and hissed them away. "how was your day babe?" he asked as he planted a kiss on my cheeks.
"good kinda boring but good"I said.
"Wanna hang out somewhere?" He asked
"uh yea" I hesitated.
"Okay go to my car I'll be there in 5 minutes I gotta get my stuff from the locker" and with that, he left and I left to the car where his oh so nice friends-not- are sitting.
"It's leny" I corrected.
"sure whatever leny" he answered. "but your boyfriend is turning 18 what are you gonna get him?"
I actually don't know what he likes so I guess I should bond with his friends and they can help. "I was actually hoping you could help"
"okay" the dude said. "I'm Brett"
"short for?" i said.
"Short for Brett" he joked.
"oh" I said.

"I guess you boys met leny?" andrew asked while getting in the car.
"yea" they all said in unison.
"so leny, that's Brett, he pointed to the muscular brown haired boy" and brett waved me a 'hello'
"that's jace" he pointed to the ginger that annoys me everywhere, "and that's jake, I guess you too met before on the date last night"
I nodded and asked "Where are we going?"
"Anywhere you want baby" He said giving me a smile."But I would more like if we go to my house"
"your house sounds good" i said giving him a smile.

the ride to his house wasn't that long, but the boys just had to put some annoying rap songs that made my ears hurt. (no offense to anyone) but luckily we arrived to his house.
His house was a normal two stories home, Cozy with a front and backyard and big trees here and there. But no one was home, which was quite weird.

"uh you live alone?" I asked and he just laughed. "what?" I asked again.
"nothing, but my parents both come home late from work and I'm an only child" he said proudly being the only kid in the house.
"oh seems cool"
"yea...wanna eat some pizza?" he offered.
"no thanks I'm not really hungry at the moment"  I declined his offer and seated myself on the couch.
"want anything to drink?" he asked again.
"water would be good" I said.
"good" he went and soon came back with a bottle of water.

"SOOO LOVE BIRDS LET'S PLAY A GAME!!" Said jace breaking the awkward silence.
"yea sure" I hesitated on my answer because god knows what they can do to me.

We sat in a circle, Jace, Andrew, Me, Brett and Jake and they decided to play never have I ever.


I have to admit that I miss Lenny and all I really do these days is eat hospital food which is worse than the cafetiria's and watch boring movies. I can't get out until Friday and that's 3 days from now.

"William honey do you want me to get you anything?" Asked my mom who's sitting in the corner of the room flipping through some food magazine.
"No thanks mom I'm not hungry" I politely declined.
"But honey you haven't eaten today"
"Mom it's fine I'm not hungry I don't feel like eating" 
"Is it Lenny sweetheart?" she kept silent for a moment or two. "because I can tell you like her"
"What? no no she's just-We are great friends, she's like my sister" I defended.

I mean yea I have feelings for her but if you tell mom you like someone she'd go crazy, as in obsessed crazy, she'd just act like a teenager and squeal. annoying.

But I do wonder what is Lenny doing at the moment.. I bet she looks cute, and the way she smiles, a cute smile, even though it's a small one, it's still a cute smile. she's cute. very. 


The boys and I settled on the ground, forming a circle. 

"So let's play truth or dare" Jake suggested out of nowhere and the boys agreed. great.

"SOOOOOO Lenny truth or dare??" Jake asked and I kept silent for a moment.
Let my mouth choose.
"Uh da-truth" PHEW!! close one.

"okay...." he thought for a moment, "who was your first boyfriend?" he asked rubbing his hands together. 
"uh" I thought for a moment, I gotta make this one up because he was my first boyfriend and this might just be awkward. "some dude I don't r-remember in the 7th grade"
He gasped-well they all gasped- and said in unison "HOW CAN A GIRL NOT KNOW WHO WAS HER FIRST BOYFRIEND?!?!" then they just did girly stuff with their faces.

"Uh me? I guess" then I let out a low chuckle

Hours passed and Andrew drove me back home, giving me a goodbye kiss that made butterfiles in my stomach go wild.

love you!!
and make me happy by voting, and tell me what do you think and sorry this chappie is probably like a filler so yeah :\ 
but hey what do you think will happen the next day??
leave a comment telling me what do you think and the best idea would get a dedication :D

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