18 October 2013

440 10 4

A/N HI MY LOVELIES!! so this chapter is on a sunday, there will be tons of P.O.V'S maybe.

sorry about the late update because a family member died and I was at my grnadma and she didn't have internet. 

so here you go.



I woke up today after a weird dream but then I remembered;

When were your dreams normal William?

As I was making my bed my phone buzzed.

I ignored it.

It rang again.

And I ignored it.

It's Kasey.

and it rang again.

I sighed before I answered.

"Hello?" I tried to seem as calm and quiet as possible.

"William Hi! are you up to something?" she asked me with her nice girly voice -more like flirty- 

"No" Dry normal answer.

Wanna know why?

because I don't like her, I've noticed the way she treats Lenny and I do not like people that tortures Lenny.

"Good then, meet me at Mark's cafe in two hours. I'll be waiting" and with that she hung up. 

like I didn't even get to say no. it's like she knew my answer. 

I finished making my bed and cleaning my room and taking a shower, then realized it's 11, that means I'm meeting Kasey in an hour and a half.

I rushed back to my room and texted Lenny a normal good morning before I digged into my closet to find something to wear.


I shouldn't be worried! 

I took a white V-neck shirt and a black jacket above it with dark wash jeans.

I think I shouldn't be describing this to you should I?

sometimes I wonder if deep inside I have the genes of a girl.

But that is nearly possible.

becau-I think that's enough for now.

I finished doing some work for my college and thought it would be enough and I should get going.

My phone rang signalizing I had a text, and guess who it was?

Kasey. It's like magic because I was like

well never mind I don't know.

She texted me saying that she left home, I got my keys and went into my car.

"You used to get it in your fishnets

Now you only get it in your night dress

Discarded all the naughty nights for niceness

Landed in a very common crisis

Everything's in order in a black hole

Nothing seems as pretty as the past though

That Bloody Mary's lacking in Tabasco

Remember when you used to be a rascal?

Oh the boy's a slag

The best you ever had

The best you ever had

Is just a memory and those dreams

Not as daft as they seem

Not as daft as they seemed

My love when you dream them up" I sang along while driving down the road, music is amazing, If music was a person, I would've totally married it.

well I can marry a singer

but still, you know?

It wasn't long until I saw the Cafe she told me to meet her at, and surprisingly she was there already waiting.

I parked in a spot and went out the car, she got up, seeing me, smiling wide.

If i didn't know better I would've thought her smile was cute.

But I know everything.

Trust me.

She was wearing something panties-like that was denim, shorts maybe, and a tank top.

I can say she looked beautiful.

wait no. get it out of my head!!

She gave me a hug, tight type of hug and I hugged her back.

"Glad you came" she said as she held my hand in hers. I really didn't know what to say so I went to our table and sat down.

"You really look good" she complimented while giving me that flirty smile of hers.

"Thanks, you too" 


If you didn't think that William is a total hot catch, then you have problems with your eyes.

he's the definition of perfect to any girl at my school, all the seniors going wild over him and he's just not caring.

And I have to admit how hot he is and you can feel his abs when you hug him.

He's gonna be mine.


Sundays are usually the days I spend all at home, cleaning up my room or just nothing.

I got a text from William earlier that just made me smile, he really is a sweetheart.

I got my breakfast and went to finish my homework and assignments suddenly I got a text from a person I never want to mention.

"Hi there, hope you having a bad day, if I were you I would've killed myself long time ago, you just waste oxygen and space to humanity, you don't deserve the love and attention that some people give you, you don't deserve anything. why don't you just do everyone a favor and die, stop being a burden." 

I ignored it, and went back to my studies.

but then it rang back to me 

I am a burden.

I don't deserve affection.

it was all my fault.

they didn't deserve to die because of me.


While on the date what ever you can call with Casey, she was typing away stuff on her phone and I couldn't help but ask her.

"Oh nothing, excuse me I need to go to the restrooms" and then she left, keaving her phone on the table.

It was tempting me hard to know who's she's been texting, it's curiosity.

I tried too hard not to read them but I gave up and unlocked her phone.

My eyes Widened at the text.

how could she say this to her?

I got up and left quickly to the only place I should go now.


A/N: HI my lovely readers, sorry this chapter is short but got you some events in it!! sorry this update took too long but i promise I will make it up to you! 


Comment below what do you think will happen next!


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