21 October 2013

400 14 0

A/N: Hi! I don't know what to say now but I've started a new short story, called "Dear Ray", I would be beyond happy if you check it out and tell me what you think! 


I woke up again today, I came back alive.
Some parts of me wishes I didn't live
It wishes I died.
Even if William tried to make things okay.
I still wish I died, I still wished I can let my soul rest.
I don't even remember how many days I've been absent from school, but the worst part is what they could be saying now.
"Good morning my cupcake" I heard William's voice by the door, with his charming smile and perfect green eyes.
His eyes are so perfect. 
It's the color of perfect.
"Good morning" I said putting on a small smile. "How come you're allowed to get cupcakes today?" I asked as he handed me the box full of cupcakes. "And isn't this too much?" 
"Nothing is too much for you" He said taking a seat by my bed.
My hands hurts from the amount of tubes and things it has. and they itch at times and I can't really do a thing because I might rip these tubes off. Evil hospital.
"Mind if I lick icing off your face today?" He asked grabbing a cupcake with pink icing and chocolate sprinkles all over it.
I couldn't help but turn bright red at the thought of him licking icing off my face.
Like what should I say.
Oh, he turned red too.
Okay I guess we're both dumb and weird.
but he's just dumb in a smarter way.
actually that doesn't make sense but yeah.
"I-I guess you can" I stuttered while trying to stabilize my breathing.
 He blushed, before gently rubbing the cupcake on my left cheek, then on my right one, then putting a bit on my nose leaving me smiling uncontrollably like an idiot. 
"I bet it will taste better now." He said putting the cupcake that has no longer icing on the stand near me.
I took a deep breath scared of god knows what, my stomach did some weird flips and/or got tied i knots.
Why am I afraid. He's not gonna kill me is he? 
He started getting closer, approaching slowly, but then he stopped.
"Relax I'm not going to eat you Lenny, I'm just going to lick off the icing" he chuckled, and I let out a nervous laugh. 
"I know" I said trying to calm myself. 
It was just so sudden when he started licking off the icing from my cheek.
It was weird but I guess I liked it. 
I feel like William and I are the weirdest unicorns on this globe.
While William was still licking off the icing from my other cheek, the nurse got in.
that's just awkward.
and weird. 
because William turned bright red as the nurse's eyes went wide in shock.
"You said I can feed her cupcakes!" William defended as if the nurse was shocked because of that.
"Uh sir, your time's done" She said as she dismissed herself awkwardly.
"Uh I'll talk to you later?" He said before he took a napkin and wiped cream off my face.
With that, I was left alone in the boring hospital room.


I left the room and sat awkwardly outside, I just feel like after that I will not be able to look at that nurse again.
But the good part is;
I can tell my immaginary grandchildren about this and they will love it.
It would be cute to have grand children,
Little babies running arround screaming 'Grandpa Grandpa tell us a story' and then they'd sit on my lap on a beautiful porch.
Damn my cliche immagination.
But I like it in some way.
Suddenly, my mom called, asking if I can go home for a little while, and being the good son, I excused mariah and went home.
The ride home was quiet, no music, maybe it was because I was feeling better that Lenny is better, or just something that I don't know.

I parked in the familiar neighborhood, feeling like I've been away for ages.
I got out of the car and got into the house to be greeted by my mom and jessy
"Son I've missed you, Jessy is here, and your father" she said happily as if that's happy news.
Just as I thought it could get worse, my father-or that dude- appeared from the kitchen.
Can a banana appear now and let him slip break his bones and die? thank you.
"William son you grew up a lot!" son? pf! OFCOURSE I GREW UP DUH 10 YEARS REMEMBER?!?
He approached for a hug but I pushed him away, I don't want his embrace.
"What's wrong son, ladies troubles? how about we go to a club you and I tonight and have a beer"
"If you were my father you would've known that I can't drink because of my kidneys." I answered him. "Now If you'll excuse me" I looked over at Jessy. "I have to go"
"Son you just arrived stay for dinner we barely see you and you're going back to college soon, I barely get to see you" mom defended giving me the 'glare'
I sighed before taking a seat by the table.
"College eh son? I always knew you'd be a good doctor" Dude spoke-AKA father-
"I'm studying arts." I corrected him.
"Medicine is art" he said.
I just think he had a drink or two maybe three bottles of scotch before he came here.
"William I'm glad I got to see you it's been so long" said Jessy while taking a seat next to me.
"Yea a year is such a long time" I said nonchalantly, taking my phone out of my pocket, texting some of my college friends to erase the boredom.
"Mom Ed and Elliot are in town mind if I go meet up with them?" I said to her.
"But your father is here" she said.
"Yea but I can't see Ed everyday so I'll see you later"
I got up and went outside.
Now I know this is disrespecting my mom and I shouldn't be acting like that but the presence of my father just makes me mad and I cannot handle it.
I drove off to the restaurant in town as we decided to meet up there.
Surprisingly they were already there, sitting inside on a table by the side, when their eyes turned to me, they got up to greet me.
"Will man where have you been all this time" Ed said as we went to the booth.
"Been busy a lot, it has been such a hectic time" I answered him.
Ed and Elliot are the two guys I spend most my time with, they're just weird but mature when needed.
Like me.
Except that I'm a unicorn.
Well maybe not, who knows?
I'd like to keep my identity secret.
Elliot is a bit shy, and quiet but Ed and I managed to get this little man out of his shell a little.
I'm kidding when not in public he's a monster.
We created a monster.
Ed is the ladies man, the one that doesn't want to commit, while Elliot, has been in one serious relationship for two years, and they plan on getting engaged.
But I just see I'm a bit too young to get engaged.
Even though I'm twenty one.
I still like the toys in happy meals.
Wait forget I said that.
But they're good toys.
The boys and I went deep into a conversation about what we've been doing while we were away from eachothers, and I kinda told them about Lenny.
Okay not kinda, like a lot.
without the hospital part, because thingsn a  like that shouldn't be said to anyone.
"I can't wait to meet her" said Elliot while smiling.
"Yea sure sometime maybe, but I don't think she'd like to because she's like, shy." I explained to them and it seemed that these immature folks understood that fact that she's just... you know, shy.

After dinner with the boys, it was late enough for me to go home, hoping everyone would be asleep.


A/N: HII GUYS!! SOO EARLY UPDATEE! (I'm not really sure if it is) but I was in such a good mood so I decided to update early.
Also again, I started working on another short story, I will update like two chapters each day cause they're small, but I would be beyond happy If you check it out.
Also don't forget to
Vote and comment because reading your opinions and comments never fails to make my day.


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