05 November 2013

158 8 4

A/N: Hi!! firstly thank yo for 13K reads!! it means a lot to me!! Also I've skipped days so there won't be much of filler chapters you know? I thought this would be better :3


I'm finally halfway through the week, so close yet so far from seeing William. Since he left, we kept in touch, and I'm thankful that we are talking.

Ah finally wednesday, I've waited so so long for it, but I think the wait for friday will probably be worse, and it annoys me, having to wait to see someone I long all week to see, two day's aren't enough, you know?

The wait is killing me and I can do nothing about it, day by day, I'm coming more and more impatient to see him. A week used to pass by so quickly, but that little bastard decided to pass on slow motion. Dammit week, speed up a bit.

A month ago, I was just waiting for the day my life ends, for something to take my soul, for death to take away the pain, I was so regardless of the fact that I don't want to be dead, I just wanted to be saved.
And I know I keep repeating this, but I got saved, indeed, William saved me, William was the one who pulled me up, he kissed my scars, dried my eyes, held me, picked me up, fixed me, he was the one who saved me, I'm so glad I met that big hearted man, who seemed annoyingly sarcastic at first to me, I owe him  my life for all the happiness he brought to me.
Day by day, he was fixing me piece by piece, without even telling me, leaving me to notice it in the end.

I sat there, in the bus, a thousand and one thought running through my mind, untill the bus came to a stop.

I walked through my first class, silently, feeling less self conscious than before, my fear; was walking through these halls, I'm not saying I've overcome this fear, but I just didn't feel the need for a hallway to ruin my day.
I sat in English class ad settled my books as the bell rang and the room was filled with chattering sounds of students.
As the teacher came, everyone went silent, He greeted us and started talking about an assignment we have to make, I cut off the rope of thoughts that'd been gathering since this morning and listened carefully;

"You'll have to write about someone you consider as your idol, introduce the person, what has it done that made you consider it as someone you long to be like in the future, and why is that person your Idol, you'll have untill Monday to submit your papers, and you'll have to come infront of class and read it, and it will be graded." Students started talking and asking him questions, while I was thinking of who will my idol be.
Less than a minute later, it all cleared out, it's obvious who my idol is, it's clear as the sky! William, he saved me, helped me, went through a lot himself and he was the one who fixed himself, I consider him the strongest person I've ever met, and I want to be like him, I want to make someone happy, I want to be there for everyone that's feeling insecure and alone, I want to tell each one of them going through it all that it will get better, that I am there for them, that the deserve all the happiness in the world, and that I love them.

I might have sounded very cheesy to you, but I want that so badly now.


Class was finally over and I headed to my dorm to change and just finish up a bit of the work I have to do, but I'll have to talk to Lenny first, and I'll see if she can video call me, I want to see her beautiful face and adorable smile, I've planned everything for the date, I will take her Friday evening and bring her back the next day, and when she goes on that date, I think she'll understand why I dind't tell her about it.

I settled up some of my books on the desk, took the phone from my pocket and dialed Lenny's number.
"Hello?" I heard he rsweet voice over the phone.
"Hii love!" I said to her grinning wide instantly.
"Williamm!" She exclaimed.
"How was your day sweetheart?"
"Good, I miss you! How was yours?" My heart fluttered as she said she missed me.
"I've missed you too, a lot. And I cannot wait to see you on Friday."
"I really want to see you at the moment." She said.
"That's exactly what I wanted to say, want to video chat?" I suggested her and hoped she'd accept.
"Yes!! Sure! I'll hang up and log into Skype, I'll see you there!"
"Okay see you." And with that I hung up.

I quickly headed to my laptop, opened skype, typed my password and waited for it to log in.
Almost instantly when I logged in, Lenny requested for a video call. I chuckled, clicking accept and waiting for my camera to open.
Lenny was smiling wide, and as she saw me, she waved, letting out a small chuckle.
I waved back smiling at her beautiful face.
"You look adorable" I told her and she, from what seemed the screen to show, blushed.
"Thank you, you look great yourself" She said.
"Thanks" I said to her. "So how was your day?" I asked her again.
"Good" She said fiddling with some papers. "We have to write something about our Idol" She said and I cocked an eyebrow.
"Oh really?" I said and she nodded. "Who is it?" I asked her.
"Well you can read it when I'm finished with it" She smiled playfully.
I love it when she does that. It drives me crazy!
"What should I get clothes ready for the date?"She asked me smiling.
"Well you can find out when I come to pick you up Friday" I said to her smiling back, but playfully.
Not only her can do that.
"Pfft. Okay!" She said.
"Look love, I have to go finish up my project, I'll text you when I'm done, okay?" I said to her.
"Okay! I'll be waiting" She said.
I blew her a kiss and pretend it to throw it to her, and her, in response she pretended to catch it and place it on her heart.
I laughed at how cute she looked "Virtual hug?" I asked.
"Yes" She said opening her arms, I did the same before we hugged the screen at the same time.
It wasn't long untill we pulled away, both laughing.
"Bye Lenny" I said to her.
And with that, I ended the call, and went back to finish my project.


A/N: HIIIIIIIII! I'm sorry if it took long enogh,  I had to deal with a mini writers block but I'm all good now.
Next week I have loads of tests, so I don't know when to update, but hopefully on friday.
SO leave a vote and a comment to make my day because I really need it.

A little comment would definitely make my day.

Stay strong my awesome readers;


Diaries of a suicidal mind(Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now