28 October 2013

300 9 2

A/N: hi! and sorry for such a late update, but I've been busy a lot lately, plus my laptop hasn't been fixed yet(😭) , but I hope you understand.



I woke up early today, due to Ed's rambling and walking around the small dorm, he's been all weird and nervous lately and over-using his phone.

"Man what's wrong with you?" I asked him getting up.

He shrugged "I don't know it's just she's so amazing and I don't know what's wrong with me, I always worry if I'm gonna say something wrong to her. I never worry man I'm going crazy!" He said tugging his hair.

I laughed at his actions, it's simple, he's in love. "You know that's just love, it does crazy things"

"Well I don't like what it's doing to me!" He said sitting down crossing his hands and frowning like a child. I raised an eyebrow at his response. "But I like her so much I can't help it you know it's just crazy how I worry and think of her I've never done that I can't even I need to breathe" he said taking in a deep breath.

"Dude; it'l be fine don't worry! Now call her and say goodmorning." I said to him.

"You'll tell me what to say right? I mean I don't want to sound arrogant or a player or something I don't want her to think I'm like that." He said dialing her number.

"Hello?" I heard on the other line.

"Stacy?" He said. "Goodmorning beautiful, you alright today?"

"Yeah I'm heading to my classes lter what about you?"

"I'm good too thanks. Wanna try to meet up later today?" He asked nervously.

"I don't think I can, I need to finish up a project with my class." She said and his face dropped.

"Oh, okay I'll talk to you later then, bye." He said.

"Bye, take care!" She blew him and kiss which he barely returned, and hung up.

"She turned me down man I can't believe it" He said to me as if he saw a ghost.

"It's alrght, let's head to our classes."

and with that we went to our class.


I woke up, got out of bed, washed my face brushed my teeth and had breakfast, my normal routine, and as he promised, William texted me, making my day.

It's just something about the way he treats me, maybe it's because he makes me feel important, maybe it's because I wake up everyday and smile because I know he cares about me when no one else does, maybe because he wasn't afraid of seeing my hell and chased away all the demons that were putting me in despair.

I let my thoughts be as I saw the bus arrived to school, I got out and walked into the building.

While taking my books out, Jake came over.

"Hi there." He said.


"How are you today?" He asked me.

"What do you want." I asked him.

"Nothing. why?" He chuckled.

"I-I'm off to class" I said trying to leave but he blocked my way. "Leave me alone!" I whined.

"Look I just wanna talk" He said.

"There's nothing we have to talk about. Bye" I moved him from my way and headed to class.

Maybe if I wasn't such a fool everything could've been better, but I was a kid, I found it hard not to fall for his eyes, hair, looks, I was so stupid, I forgot how much of a heartless person he was. I wish I could go back in time and change my mind about him, maybe if I listened to my brother, things would've been better in the first place, maybe things wouldn't have fallen appart.

I hate these thoughts, they come at the most innapropriate times.

I shrugged and tried to go along with class and lessons.

After my classes came lunch break which I hoped would end without getting jake to talk to me.

I don't want him to come near me.

I don't need him to talk to me.

II sat at a table, turned my phone on and munched on the sandwich. I texted William and afterwards, I've put an earphone and played some music.

"What are you listening to?" I heard someone say. Jake, before he sat by me.

I turned the music off and shoved to phone in my pocket; "What the hell do you want? don't you understand that I don't want to talk to you? just leave me alone!" I said starting to get mad.

"I just want to apologize about my friends' actions, and thought we can hang out." He answered.

"I don't want to hang out with you." I said dryly.

"Are you going to the party on Friday?" He asked.


"Is it because you don't have a date, I can be your date if you want" he said smirking and I punched his shoulder slightly. "You can dream." I added gathering my belongings and leaving him.

*After school*

Finally the day's over, I arrived home, had my lunch and went to work on my homework, which was soon done.

I took a shower and sat in the living room, watching tv and texting William.

William: How was your day??

Lenny: good, I guess, what about you?

William: Good, spent the day teaching Ed how to talk to stacy, this guy's going crazy for her!

Lenny: Aw! that's so cute though!

William: Not if you saw the way he freaks out xD

Lenny: Hahaha he must really like her.

William: Yea, he really does.

Lenny: there's a halloween party friday.

William: That seems fun, you going?

Lenny: Not really :p there's no one coming with me

William: I can go with you if you want, I'll be leaving college anyways, and it would be fun.

Lenny: Really?

William: Yes!

Lenny: Thanks! it would be fun! , I gotta go now, I'll talk to you tomorrow! goodnight <3

William: Good night Lenny, <3 take care.

And with that, I went to my room and drifted to sleep.


A/N: I'M SO SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO MUCH TIME FOR NOTHING! but I was able to work on the hapter at my aunt's since she has a laptop. Updates will be slow like this for a while since laptop hasn't been fixed and my Ipod is not saving the chapters T^T but I will try my best.

So vote and comment even though this chapter is crappy, but they would make my day.

I still love you.


Diaries of a suicidal mind(Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now