17 October 2013

515 11 4

hiii my wonderful readers! first of all I want to thank you for these amazing 2k reads.

oh my god, to be honest, I never thought I'd go this far, but you're the reason I still go on. <3

now for getting me this much reads I will try my best to make this chapter long :") 



I woke up at almost 7:00 am to find Lenny sound asleep. She does look adorable and peaceful cuddling into her pillow hugging it tight as if her life depended on it.

She's so adorable, with that personality of hers, bubbly and cute.

you just feel like you want to pinch her cheeks hard and squeen her in tight hugs and tell her she's beautiful and be by her side always.

She deserves that, not some jock that calls her "babe" she's not a "babe" I hate this word.

It just makes me feel like the person is called so is worthless, and Lenny is not worthless, she's amazing and you would never find someone like her, no matter how hard you try to.

She deserves better than Andrew.

She deserves..


No, no not me, that's creepy I am older. 

way older.


But she deserves someone that would treat her like me.

But just younger.

Yes, that's what she deserves.

I got out of bed and wore my shirt on again, she shouldn't see me shirtless.

I mean yeah I got a great body

but what if she fainted

because she likes it.

I mentally laughed at my own joke before opening the curtains letting the sun rays get into the room.

She shifted a bit letting out a small groan.

"Wake up love" I said to her but she just hid under her pillow. "If you don't wake up we'll be late for carla" we aren't late, but I won't go back to sleep, and I definitely won't stay alone quiet, it's awkward.

"I gave you a chance now you're gonna wake up on my way" I said before I jumped on her bed pulling the pillow from her small fragile hands.

"Stop!! and get off mee!" she screamed as I started tickling her.

"Stop stop" she laughed louder. "I'm u-up" 

I got off her and left her to do her morning routine.

"Oh uh is your mom here?" I asked her since I didn't hear any noise of her.

"No she probably left for work" she said getting up.

"Okay you do whatever you want to do now I'll be downstairs" I said and left.

I should make us breakfast because I'm sure she is hungry. Pancakes would be good.

I started looking around for ustensils and after a while found them and got all the ingredients needed from the fridge.


I got up and made my bed and put William's sleeping bag in the closet and arranged some extra stuff before I headed to my bathroom to clean up.

Diaries of a suicidal mind(Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now