16 October (Part Two)

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Hi My gorgeous readers!! How you've been? 

Thanks for all the reads again and the votes I love you *O* 

so this chapter is the night William and Lenny during the movie marathon *O* 

Who do u support? Team William or Team Andrew?? Tell me in comments c;


*William's P.O.V*

after the first two movies of Lord Of The Rings, came the third and finally last, it was getting pretty much kinda late, and I found out that Lenny gets very excited when it comes to war scenes, she just starts randomly screaming "BE CAREFUL" "LOOK HE'S BEHIND YOU" "KICK HIM IN THE GUTS" out loud while throwing punches everywhere, Which made her freaking cute, she would look so adorable with popcorn full in her mouth.

I tell you this girl is special.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO FRODO DON'T FOLLOW HIM!!" She screamed waking from my daze, and earning a laugh from her.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, you just like jumped 10 feet when I screamed, was I that loud?"

"Did I really jump this high?" 

"Like you almost fell from the couch" she started cracking up again, even when she tries to be mean she looks cute.

"oh" I said as we -Well she because I was too busy looking at her- resumed the movie.

"Legolas is so hot" she sighed and I chuckled.


"Nothing, you just found a 1300 years old fictional elf attractive" she punched my shoulder.

"He doesn't look this old though" she failed defending.

"That's the point! Elves are immortal Lenzy, and fake, unlike me, I'm attractive and young" I winked at her and she fake gagged.

"I am attractive" I defended. "Girls at your school's been flirting me ever since I came to your school, there's Casey,Lexi,Alexandra,Liz and this head cheerleader girl thing I don't really know her name" It's true, girls at her school flirt with me but I don't really need a bunch of Whores around me.

"Lucky man" she said.

"You're beautiful too Lenny, perfectly stunning and gorgeous" I saw her blush while shaking her head.

"I'm not stunning or gorgeous, I'm not like these pretty girls you see at my school, I have flaws, many flaws may I be honest, I don't wear the right things or hear the trendiest music like them and I don't have friends for god's sake I'm a loner and we all know that, and I became a toy people push around and cuss at and use to release their stress on william, people hate me."

"Lenny" I gave her a hug. "You have flaws, everyone has flaws, that's part of being human, and I don't want you to be like these girls at your school, and that's why I'm here with you, because you're different from them, you don't wear the latest trends and don't like what they call music nowadays, that's why I like you, you're special, like a rare gem Lenny, you're a rare gem" 

She looked me in the eyes before hugging me tight thanking me.

"Thank you William, that means a lot to me, it really does"


"Thank you william, it means a lot to me, It really does" what William just said made me feel confident about myself, like he cares about me, for real and I just felt like I want to hug him forever and give him cupcakes because what he said really means a lot, it may not be this important to most people but to me it's like I got a Giant jar of nutella, for free.

Diaries of a suicidal mind(Under editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora