11 october (part two)

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A/N: HII lovely readers! I hope you're still enjoying the story and sorry about all the typing mistakes because I'm typing quickly on my Ipod.. yea that painful! lol anyways i hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Hey leny wanna come play truth or- oh" I heard a voice say.

Suddenly andrew jumped from surprise and oops, the hammock's strings tore appart and our butts just hit so hard the green soft grass.

"Leny I'm so sorry i didn't mean to interrupt uh im sorry!" it was william. oh my. that's awkward.

"Uh it's okay dude sure let's play truth or dare, come on leny let me help you to get up" said andrew pulling me up with his arms.

I followed them to where i found carla laying on the ground by the pool.

We formed a circle, some dares were pricless. ( we made carla tweet an ugly photo which was a torture for her)

"Leny truth or dare" asked william.

"Uh i uh dare? no no truth! nooo dare" i hesitated.

"Alright dare" he said smiling in an evil way. what have i done! "i dare you to... eat a spoon full of ketchup and mayo"

Oh my. whyy! "Okay.." i said gettig up to the kitchen when Andrew followed.

"What are you planning to do" I asked andrew who's acting all innocent.

"You know i still want my kiss" he said playfully. why!! i mean yea I like him and stuff but well i don't know.

"You'll get that later" i said heading outside with a spoon of mayo and ketchup. "alright guys see? mayo and ketchup! one big spoon" i said before gulping down the gross taste swallowing it hardly and almost about the throw up. "w-waat-ter" I hardly said when andrew gave me a bottle i drank it all."ahh now back to the game"

"Alright" said william "i've got a mean one for you andrew" he said meanly and i just laughed.

"Oh snap alright I choose truth" he said acting like he surrender.

"Hm what was the most embarrassing moment you've ever had?" said william settling down ready to hear the story.

"Uh well alright, there was this girl that used to work as a cashier in Mcdo's and I kinda liked her, yea that's weird she was probably 20 but yea I was 15, so I used to go every day there and order food just to see her, so when I finally decided to make my move on asking her out on a date, she told me she's married and she has a child which I used to annoy all the time, I never went to Mcdo's ever again." He said laughing. actually that's a sad story, how can he find it fun.. "alright guys I gotta leave now thanks for the great day" andrew said getting up and i followed.

"I'm glad you had a good day" I hesitated on saying.

"You must be joking it was amazing, we must do that more often princess. but first I wanna ask you if you're free tomorrow after school.." he said doing some weird gangster moves with his hands.

"After school william and i are having lunch here you can join though" I said.

"No I wanted us to go on an official date" he said awkwardly.

"Oh I'm free the evening" I said awkwardly trying not to gigle and jump from happiness.

"I have to go to a game practice, me and the boys will have dinner after that, would you like to come with me and by my date?" he said holding my hand gently, i wanted to say no because of his mean friends but I took a look into his green-ish blue-or blue-ish green it's sl hard to find out- and i said yes, he hugged me tightly before giving me a peck on the lips after he quickly left.

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