02 November 2013

157 7 1

A/N: HI! I'm so sorry it took me this much time to upload a chapter, but I ruined the laptop that wasn't mine and stayed for a while with no laptop (Painful I know.) But here you go! an update, now I don't know when the next one will be but I thought I could do some editing for the old chapters, lots of talking I know, so I should start more writting. :)



I don't know if it's all in my head or this was real, because the feelings inside of me when his lips met mine were just too much for me, from the sparks, to his gentle touch, it's all too good to be true for me.
William and I stayed over at his house until 10 pm, and when he drove me home, we stayed almost all night texting,which might explain the reason why I feel tired today.but it doesn't quite matter to me, all I'm thinking about is the date-Which he never gave me info of- and I'm too shy to ask him about it.

I got a text from William as I went down the stairs and into the kitchen, quickly smiling.

"Someone's up happy" Mom said looking at me from the living room.
I chuckled nodding "Yeah" 
"Have you eaten breakfast yet?" I asked her.
"Yeah, I was too hungry, but I wouldn't say no if you were to make something for us to eat" She said smiling, I came to notice wrinkles on her face from all the hard years of work, all the sleepless nights, all the tears she shed, screams she yelled, all the times she came home tired yet forced a smile started to show on her face.

"Sure thing!" I said to her as I bent over to get some biscuits, and got two sachets of cappuccino, this is what breakfast meant if I had to do it, honestly, I'm not that much of a good cook, William cooks better than me, way better than me. I smiled at the thought, Funny how just by the mention of his name I smile, that's how much I care about him I guess? 

"You like him don't you?" My mom asked, startling me, she was standing next to me now.
"Hmm?" I asked her, replaying what she said in my head.
"William. You like him don't you?" She repeated herself and I couldn't help but blush.
She smiled wide, coming over to hug me.
"Mommm" I said hugging her back before pulling away to finish up with the cappuccino, I opened the pack of biscuits and put them in a little box, then put the hot water in the cups and handed my mom hers.
I followed her into the living room and sat facing her on the couch.
"How was the party?" She asked me, again.
"Good I had fun" I said, and I knew the conversation is turning into complete awkwardness, and I'd most likely want to leave. "How's work?" I asked her.
"It's been good, I might get a promotion soon." She said and I nodded.
It's funny how, when my brother was alive, everything felt so happy, my mom and I were like bestfriends, now, everything seems so dull and awkward, it's like happiness in this house died with my brother and father.
After I finished my cup, I excused myself and left to my room, as usual.

I cleaned up my room a bit, finished my homework and worked a bit on a project I have to hand in two weeks and sat on my bed, with nothing to really do, I decided to text William:

Lenny: Hii.

I pressed send and waited for the message to be sent, almost instantly he answered.

William: Heyy how's everything today? 

Lenny: Not much, quite lonely. What about you?

William: Planning on the date next week ;)

I felt butterflies go wild in my stomach at the thought of the date.

Lenny: Where we going? 

William: Now, it wouldn't be such a nice surprise if I tell you would it?

Lenny: Why you gotta do this to me.

William: It's worth it... I guess.

Lenny: I'm pretty sure it will be. You always plan on great things William.

William: Why thank you sweetheart.

Lenny: We sound so sophisticated or is it just me?

William: Well madam you are indeed talking to sir William so talking in a sophisticated tone is a must.
I read what he wrote the way he speaks with his thick accent, and giggled.

Lenny: You know it will be hard for me waiting an entire week to see you again, also to wait for the date. How are you expecting me to survive? :o

William: You know you're not the only one who's gonna struggle, It's not like I enjoy being away from you. I think though we can video chat. instead of just using the phone, it won't be the same but I'll get to see your beautiful smile.

Lenny: Aw. Well you know, you never fail to make my day, and it means a lot to me. I can't thank you enough for what you've done.

William: You may not be able to thank me, but you can kiss me. I'd be thankfull ;)

I smiled wide at his text, and at the thought of his lips and mine connecting together.

Lenny: Deal :)


A/N: HI! I know it's short, but it took me time and all, I hope you like it though, and sorry for taking so long for this update, but I promise I won't take that long anymore.

So vote and leave a comment because I love reading them!
Also I've noticed how we're close to 13k so thank you so so much for everything <3


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