11 October 2013

615 11 1

A/N: HII omg 500+ reads!! you don't know how happy i am even though it's not much, if you get a late update, it's because I have lots of tests these 2 weeks so yeah. okay now i wont stay longer.


"William, what brought you to the USA then?" and I surely regret asking after seeing his smile turn into a deeply sad and mad and furious face at the same time. but he let out a sigh before talking:

"My parents divorced when i was 10 and my mom left to her parent's house here in the US and I left with her, my dad got married a year after the divorce and he has a family now. And yea now we are in the US. I don't talk to my dad, it's been 10 years. my mom might have forgiven him but i never will." that's when he got quiet and mad, sad and furious at the same time, like he was about to breakdown and cry and crash everything, basically willam's expression was so hard to decipher and since i don't know how to talk, all I was able to say was "oh", somehow my conscience managed to move over and give him a hug. "Uh william do you want to watch a movie?"

He looked at me, got up and turned the lights on. as everything was clear, william was crying, tears stains all over his crimson red cheeks. Seeing him that way, I felt like i wanted to be like "here have my heart to wipe your tears" but i didn't. so i went back to hug and comfront him.

After a while of seeing william cry and me trying to make him okay but failing.

William stopped crying, because I assume he ran out of tears.

"I'm sorry" is all what he said.

But I'm sorry for what?

Sorry for not being the strong man?

Sorry for crying infront of you?

Sorry that you had to see me shirtless?

Sorry for making feel an awkward moment?

Sorry for what?? that was my question. but I kept it for myself.

"Sorry,I guess i'm not that strong man after all" he managed to chuckle.


"It's okay william, everyone cries. you're still strong, crying never makes anyone weak" wow I'm deep. I deserve an award.

William looked up an smiled, he has a nice smile, a nice warm smile, and his green eyes, turned into a light green and almost white, it was fascinating.

"Leny... fron where do you now carla?" he asked concerned.

"I just met her, a daighter of my mom's friend, why?" I answered him. but he kept quiet, then he said "oh nothing..." but he was hiding something.

"Will you keep it a secret if I tell you?"

"Yea" i said to him settling down.

"Well carla was one of them mean girls at school who used to try and make my life a living hell." he told me, feeling ashamed..

"Yea well same thing with me, Casey and her 'crew' make my life hell ya know? she hates me so much" I chuckled at how pathetic I am.

"She's jealous of you" he said smiling.

"Why would she be. who wants to be me anyways" I said looking at the floor

"Look at you leny, you have a gorgeous face, a skinny body every model wishes to have, a great personality... the list goes on, you're perfect you know that? and she's envious of you, so that's why she makes you feel bad. but you shouldn't listen to her." he told me sitting closer to me and hugging me with his strong arms.

Diaries of a suicidal mind(Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now