12 October 2013

635 13 3

Hi there beautiful readers! i hope you're enjoying the story so far! right now i'm working on another story that I will start publishing when I end this one, it's called "52 hours in the room" i guess lol, tell me what you think so far about the title okay? well I'm gonna leave for now :p


Lenny's P.O.V

Yesterday was such a crazy day honestly, dear diary,

Andrew kissed me i guess and so did William after leaving, yes he left ignoring all my calls and texts. what is he trying to do?

I honestly don't know why William's been acting so weird even after he said he's with jessy who seems such a lovely girl.

Anyways I made a new friend-more like a cool famous model who treats me like a friend- her name is Carla and yea.

Andrew asked me on a date and it's today, i'm hoping i can see William today at school I really need to talk to him.

But for now I gotta get ready for school..

William's P.O.V

Yesterday was one day I hope would never happen again, I feel so sore. I woke up in the back of my car due to the sun rays peeking into the car's window, I saw around me green grass and a giant oak tree, I feel like I've been hit on my head so hard but then I realize, everything flashbacks in my head,

The day by the pool, sleeping over at Lenny's, finding out she's with Andrew and kissing her, that's what made me disappear right into here and I guess I drank to solve my problem since there's a martini's empty bottle lying there next to me.

I took off my phone, damn it it's 7:00 am, but here's a thing, 23 missed calls and 12 text message. all of that yesterday?!

It was 16 call from Lenny and 7 from my mom. oh shit my mom must be panicking right now!

I quickly got the keys and turned the engine on and drove away to the house.

I finally arrived into a familiar neighborhood, my neighborhood. I park the car in front of the house and ring the bell.

"Oh my god William son! where have you been I've been worried sick about you! what happened? why is your eyes red? have you been drinking? you know drinking is bad for you son your health isn't that much and your kidney barely functions so please don't drink ever again" Mom was just freaking out oh and note to self: I have only one kidney working and one that's been making me hell sick ever since i was a child, I still take injections but not as much as before.

"Don't worry" i replied going to my room, on my way to the stairs everything went blurry and I felt dizzy, my legs were far too weak to hold me, that's when I fall down the stairs and everything turns black.

Lenny's P.O.V

I got dressed and left to the bus, while there, I checked my phone, William hasn't answered my calls or texts, I do hope to see him in arts class though.

I heard some mean girls whisper things about me, but i chose to ignore them.

Finally the long-it wasn't but to me it was- bus ride ended. and i was at school.

I felt so awkward walking on my way as I saw Andrew and his crew (see what I did there?) look at me then come closer. this is my last chance to run. as i was turning away.

"Hold on you can't escape from Andrew" I heard one of his friends answer grabbing me by my shoulder and turning me around. that hurts, i winced because of pain then he let go.

"Haha don't you see you're hurting her she's too weak why did Andrew like you anyway." one them them said and actually it hurts, it really does hurt.

Diaries of a suicidal mind(Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now