30 October 2013

211 9 5

A/N: Hi!! I can't believe we are so close to 10k! I don't know how many thank you's should I say because all the support you give to me just makes me so happy. I love you tons all <3




Finally, I'm just one day away from seeing Lenny, Just one day away from hugging her tight, holding her and telling her how much I've missed her, I'm just one day away.

I just can't believe how much I've missed her, and tried my best not to go crazy, for an unknown reason, I think it's because I care about her a lot, and I think I've become so close to her, I don't like being away, but that's the case and I guess there's nothing else I can do.

So I just wait for these 48 hours to see someone I care so much about, be able to smell their pretty girly perfume, hug them tight and hold them in my arms telling them how much they mean to me, how bad I'd be if they weren't there for me, how much I love to see them smile, to see them happy, and to know I'm making them happy.

I don't know I have this connection to her, and I'm glad I do.

"Man I'm sure you have feelings for her" Ed woke me from my thoughts.

"Wh-huh?" I asked.

"Lenny! I bet you were thinking about her now too! I mean, no one cares for someone like that unless well, they like them!! you taught me that" He said and I felt my cheeks turn bright red, maybe I do like her, maybe I do want to know what her lips taste like, maybe I do want her to be mine and maybe I do want to take her out on dates and tell her I love her so much, yes, but I just like to ignore that, because she's younger than me, and I just don't want to risk anything, again.

"Well..." I said looking around awkwardly.

"Do a first move?" He said.

"Are you insane?!" I mean, he's crazy right?  "What if I freak her out?"

"You wont! Just like, keep her close, your hand on her waist and bring her closer to you, kiss her cheek from time to time, I don't know you're supposed to be the romantic guy here!" He said and I nodded, not really thinking I'd do that.

"I know you won't do what I said, but if she doesn't really show any sign of rejecting you, then she might be interested, and that can lead for you to ask her on a date I guess, just give it a try, you know?" I nodded again, feeling more convinced by him now, but still not sure, I'm just glad I get to see her soon.


I woke up today feeling better, maybe because I know William will be here tomorrow. I haven't really thought about a halloween costume for the party yet, I'm wondering what William chose yet, and I was thinking if he hasn't chose an outfit, we could wear something matching, which I thought would be cute.

As I was walking down the halls to my class, I heard some girls chit-chatting about the party tommorrow, some wondering what to wear, while others wondering who's gonna be their dates.

I found out that the guy from detention is in history class with me, which is weird because I never really saw him, or maybe he skips class sometimes, I don't know.

Class after class, and the day was finally over, I was thankful when I finally plopped down on my bed after school and just stayed like that for a while before I got back to studying, so I decided I would text William, and maybe talk to him for a while, I miss him.

Lenny: Hi, how was your day? I missed you! and I was wondering what you're wearing for the party?

I pressed send and waited for an answer, two minutes later, I my phone buzzed, signalizing I got a text, I quickly jumped and grabbed my phone, it was him..

"I've been great what about you? and not really yet I just can't find anything that caught my attention, what about you? found anything?"

I smiled, sat up straight and typed my message;

"I'm good, thanks :) and I was thinking if you haven't picked an outfit we can wear something matching.." I pressed send and hoped for something good.

But then, after so many thoughts, and it took him time to answer, I felt like I've gone too far and maybe I shouldn't have really said that, it was stupid.

"Now that I said that It seems pretty stupid, ha" I sent another text, and felt the urge to slap myself for my stupid suggestion, so I decided to distract myself in doing something, so I got my books, sat on my desk and decided to start studying.

As soon as I settled myself, my phone buzzed, I tried ignoring it for some reason, but it buzzed again, this time, making me curious to see the texts, I grabbed my phone, unlocked it and checked the texts;

"Aw no, sorry Elliot came into the dorm that's all"

"And it actually is a good idea, I have this cute little immage where I'd be dressed as a fireman and you can be dressed as a cute little black kitten, and I would carry you around, yep. I like that ;)"

I read his texts, my heart beating fast and my cheeks turning red, I don't know what made me blush, if it's if he said he'd carry me or the cute little cat part, I put my thoughts away and decided to text back;

"Yea sure that'd be great, I'm off to studies now, we'll talk later! xx" I sent the text and put my phone away, focusing on my studies although it's pretty hard after talking to William.

After I managed to finish all my studies, I decided to take a shower, have a little snack and go buy a kitty outfit, and since there's a costume shop a block or two away, I walked down the streets, maybe  a bit of fresh air would be nice.

I walked by shops, and after finding the one I wanted, I got in, greeted the lady and searched around for the costume which I found one that looked just like I immagined, I bought it and walked back home.

As I arrived I texted William telling him I found the perfect kitty costume, I changed into comfy pajamas, cleaned my room a bit and then thought I could use some sleep.


A/N: HIII! I can't really remember when was the last time I updated but, after looking into my school schedule, I found I can update on either mondays, wednesdays or fridays, so you my excpect updates on these following days!

Also I would love it if you leave a comment, and a vote, I'd love to read comments, they always make my day.

Also thank you for everything <3

I owe you big time.


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