10 October 2013

645 15 1

Hii 400+ reads!! thank you all for your support and sorry if it took a while to update just busy with school so yea..


Dear Diary,

Yesterday Andrew asked me out and William and I skipped school and he visited me after school and we watched a movie together, so I feel like everything is getting better, you know? do you remember when I asked when will things be all right I think it's now. Hold on I got a text from someone.

Andrew: hey you have anything today?

Me: Not really why?

Andrew: Was wondering if we can hang out? Maybe go watch a movie?

Me: Yea sure I'll talk to you later tho alright? we'll see about that :)

I quickly texted William

Me: Hey Will wut ya doing' today?

William: Oh is anything wrong? 'cause we flew across the state to see grandpa, if anything's wrong I can come. x

Me: No no I'm fine just wanted to hang out, say hi to grandpa from me :D

So William ain't here. I'm not even willing to go out I feel like lazy today so I texted Andrew:

"Andrew would you mind coming over? I'm just lazy to go to the movies. I rented a couple of movies yesterday x"

Oh by the way, I didn't say yes to Andrew yet, I can't trust him now. You never know what he's up to. I was cleaning around my room when I got a text from Andrew:

"Yea sure be there in 30 minutes?"

Me: "yea sure. I'm on block D, when you get there text me I'll meet you down the street."

Andrew:"okay can't wait to see you"

I quickly changed into black skinny pants and a long sleeved very tall and baggy red shirt with some lyrics of "Yesterday" by the Beatles on it and wore my black pair of converse on it. I brushed my hair and kept my layered bangs loose, then I went downstairs and cleaned up a bit, that's when Andrew texted me saying he arrived and I went down the street to meet him.

"Hi" he said shyly. awkward moment cause I don't think jocks has feelings. okay Lenny move on.

"Hello" I greeted him with a huge smile that totally looked fake and he chuckled."come on, the house is not that far" I added.

We walked and soon we got to the house. Andrew started to look around "Nice casa lenooow"

"It's Lenny, If you don't get my name right I will definitely leave you alone for the party although a 100 girl would like to go with you but whatever so yea forget every thing I said" I quickly mumbled and he laughed. yea. cool. actually he has a dimple on his left cheek. nice. I wanna poke it. poke poke poke. damn I can be so funny.

"No I just like to call you lenoow it's weird. don't worry Lenny" he winked at me and I couldn't help but blush.

"What movie would you like to watch?" I asked.

"I would like to know you better" he said like it was just like. well... he knows how to talk to girls.

"Interesting movie" I smiled.

"No really, we can talk, I ask you stuff and you do the same" he told me.

"Yea sure uh where would you like to sit?" I asked awkwardly.

"Anywhere" he said.

"um the backyard?" I asked again awkwardly.

"Backyard it is" and we headed outside..

Diaries of a suicidal mind(Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now