19 October 2013

410 14 2

A/N: HII my lovely readers! I can't believe we reached 3k reads on this one! I actually never thought I'd go this far (I think I always say that) and if it wasn't for you, I could've deleted this book long time, so as a reward, I will try to make this chapter as big as possible. 


I woke up due to some terrible pain in my neck and back.
I guess this is what you get for sleeping on a chair.
but my complaints and neck pain aren't what I'm caring about, all I can think about is Lenny.
What is she feeling right now? 
Is it pain or numbness? 
Is she conscience or not?
But most of all;
Is she alive now?
Is the doctors really doing their best or they're just lying to give us fake hope. 
"Uhm...Hi" A voice woke me from my thoughts.
"Hi" I looked up to meet the eyes of Andrew. "Actually no one needs you here Andrew you can leave" I said as he looked down. "Unless you want me to kill you" 
His eyes widened at my words. 
Just so you know, nothing would please me now more than just take him down and beat the life out of his face and make him regret the minute he thought about hurting Lenny. "I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to see you now" 
"Well I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to see you either" he snapped. 
I got up and pushed him quickly and he collapsed on the floor due to my sudden action. 
"Don't make me break every bone you have Andrew. Just go home." I warned him as he got up and dusted himself off. 
"Then do" he gave me one of his famous smirks and I didn't think twice about letting my fist meet his charming face, I was going to a second punch but Mariah tried to tear us appart. 
"Boys will you please stop, we need no more troubles" Her soothing voice spoke as she went back to her seats.
Andrew and Mariah were having a conversation while my phone rang, I checked the caller's ID, it was my mom.
"William son are you okay?" Oh my! I forgot to call her.to tell her I'm busy.
"I'm so sorry mom but Lenny's in the hospital and you know I can't leave her, are you okay? is there anything wrong?" I asked in case she needs anything.
"No son, it's fine, I just wanted to tell you your father is back in town and I would want you to see him" 
"Yea sure-WAIT WHAT?" It can't be.
WHY DID HE COME. "I'm don't want to see him" I said simply.
"But he came all the way to-"
"To take money, he wouldn't come if he missed me, he never would miss me. No, he just needs money to buy some pot. or to gamble. Who knows what he needs the money for" We all know my father-after what he has done should I still call him that?- He takes advantage of a person, use it for his own good and just leave them. "Save your excuses, I'm not going to see him" and with that, I simply hung up.

"William is there anything wrong? you seem mad" Mariah's voice startled me from my thoughts.
"Oh yeah I'm fine don't worry about me" I said as I looked at the floor, avoiding eye contact, looking at that tiled floor as if it's the most interesting piece of art my eyes have ever seen.
"Are you sure?" She insited. "You seem pale, why don't you go home to rest?"
"No I'd rather stay, I don't want to...Leave Lenny, alone" I told her as moments of me and her flashed in the back of my mind, I just don't want her to be gone now.
"Then why don't you go get coffee? I'd like a cup too, if you go" she said and I agreed, maybe coffee can help.
I left into the parking and got into my car turning it on, Letting it's loud music play;

"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday" 
I sang along to the song as I suddenly remember when Lenny caught me singing, she said I had a good voice.
I stopped infront of the shop and got out,  went into the store and ordered coffee, but there  was some cupcakes that caught my attention, Lenny would've loved them, So I got three, One for me, one for Mariah and one for Lenny. 
She wouldn't like it if I forget to get her cupcakes.

As I was Leaving, I bumped into a man I never wanted to see...

My father.
Why does it have to be like that
Why do I have to see him.

"Watch where you going boy" I heard him say.
After all we know he wouldn't remember me, so I carried on with the ignorance and made my way back to the hospital.

"So?" I asked Mariah as I handed her the coffee, but she gave me a confused look. "About Lenny, anything new?" I made myself clearer.
"Oh" she said as she went quiet for a minute. "They are doing the best they can" 
But it's not enough.
"My mother called me today..." I tried on changing the subject..
"Oh and?" she said signalising me to carry on.
"Nothing, my dad's back in town for some unknown reason" 
Mariah knows, since she's friends with my mom, she would've obviously known.
"Oh" she went back to silent before she spoke again "Do you want to see him? you don't have to wait with me here dear, you should see your father"
"No actually I bumped into him at the coffee shop and he didn't even recgonize me so let him be, and I know I don't have to stay, but I want to Mariah, Lenny means to me as much as she means to you" I said as I felt her starting to tear up.
"I just don't know why would she do this to herself" she said as I allowed her to cry on my shoulder.
"Hey shhh" I said as I gave her my warm embrace. "It'l be fine, Lenny is a strong person, she'll be fine" 
I hope so.
It's funny how I'm trying to give hope to others when I need hop the most,
And a miracle.
Because I'm not ready to loose her yet.


Soo sorry this took a while but I tried my best to make it big enough, plus I don't know how can I thank you for the 3K reads, but I thought I would update earlier.
Also I was wondering, If I was to write another book after this one would you read it?
I'd love to know your answers!
Also don't forget to vote and comment!!

Diaries of a suicidal mind(Under editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin