Dream of a Dragon

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The world of Westeros is a hectic one but just as every dark night has stars in it, the Reach was the gentle breeze of seemingly unpeaceful storm. While the coldness of the North and the Starks witnessed many tragedies lately, Laena and her grandmother seemed unperturbed as deaths and backstabbings are as common as bastards around the seven kingdoms.

However, the news of Renly Baratheon's death troubled the two women. Not because of the report of what killed the poor little, dreamy stag but the new plan of Mace's to join hands with the Lannisters.

"That is absurd. Joining the sides of cold-blooded Lannisters? What is father thinking, nana?" Laena paced around the room while her grandmother sips her wine.

"Well, it is definitely better than that foolish Baratheon boy who claims the throne when he has an older brother if not that blonde nephews of him."
Laena's furrowed brows failed to ease as she truly despises the idea of supporting Lannisters.

"But they are ruthless, malicious, greedy and.. and have no shame nor grace...I can't even possibly list every other words that could describe them."

"Now...now child, settle down. It is true that they are winning this war. With Ned Stark gone, North is divided. After him, the most influential man is Tywin Lannister and definitely not your foolish father. What I am worried about is that 'King' your father is proposing your sister into marrying." Olenna said calmly.

"What is the purpose of being a noble when you can't have a nobility to distinguish what's right and wrong?" Laena whispered angrily and stormed out of the drawing room, leaving the old Tyrell lady alone in her thoughts. Olenna herself knows too well Lannisters are all those things her favorite grandchild listed and more.


"Ludwig, could you possibly go with me to the King's landing?" Laena told the boy laying next to her on the grass after sparring with him for hours to release her inner frustrations.

"Why? You have done being mad?" Selmy knight chuckled towards his childhood friend.
"Well, no. I am still mad but you know how stubborn my sister is. I have to go to her wedding whether I like it or not." Laena huffed as her beautiful face darkens with the thought of being at the company of Lannisters.

Laena developed such hatred and disgust towards the Lannisters after reading the letter Ser Barristan Selmy wrote to his nephew, Ludwig informing him of his sudden removal as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard by none other than Cersei Lannister and her bastard king. What infuriated the two friends was Jaime Lannister was to fill in Ser Barristan's shoes while another Lannister was appointed as Hand of the King after the execution of Lord Stark.

Laena never had the pleasure of acquainting Ned Stark but a smart girl like her hears and reads of the conquests and accomplishments of greater men. Warden of the North was exactly that to Laena. The one who she wished to have a pleasure of conversing at least once. In her eyes, he was the noblest hero of the war while Robert Baratheon was simply a love-blinded usurper, considering how he ruled the Westeros after claiming the blood-coated throne.

"Truly greedy snakes." Laena muttered as the thoughts of Lord Stark and Lannisters crossed her mind once again.

Ludwig Selmy just gazed at his friend silently with a small smile on his young face. House Selmy is a vassal house of Baratheon but as a third son of a minor house head, he was free of responsibilities that may have tied him. Ludwig's older sister was Laena's lady-in-waiting and the occasional visit to his sister created this friendship he cherishes above all else.

"Well as a knight appointed as your bodyguard I should accompany you to that hell hole." Ludwig chuckled which earned him a bright smile of his lady. The two broke their sweet interaction at the sight of Petyr Baelish conversing with Lord Tyrell in the garden away from them. Littlefinger came with Tyrells in a hurry after Renly's death threatened their lives at the hand of Stannis Baratheon. Laena has suspicions that Littlefinger must be the one who whispered union of Tyrell and Lannisters to her foolish father and stubborn sister.

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