Blood of a dragon

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A year later

"Do you think they will hatch?" The rose said without taking her eyes off of the three dragon eggs the Targaryen dragons laid. Ever since they found them on the Hill of Rhaenys where Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion resided, Laena Targaryen was visiting them everyday.

This time, she dragged her wife with her despite the queen's royal duties to oversee the realm's affairs. "When do you think they will hatch?" The young queen consort asked innocently again.

Daenerys adored Laena's constant questions and giddiness as she watched her wife gently stroking the eggs and poking them gently out of curiosity when she thinks the queen is not watching her. "They will hatch when it is time, my love. Leave them alone." She chuckled after seeing her wife guiltily retracting her hands after getting caught.

To Daenerys's astonishment, Laena said, "I can't help it. They are our children."

"I mean they are your children. I am like their stepmother." Laena pointed up towards the full-grown Targaryen dragons flying above them. "But these ones feel like they are ours." She sent her wife a shy smile while picking up one of the scaly eggs.

"They are, my love." The queen said with a smile and walked towards her wife who held the dragon egg carefully to her chest. "I wonder why this one is thrice the size of the other two." She mindlessly run her fingers through Laena's arms while staring at the egg.

Daenerys's question visually perked up the rose who hummed, "Maybe it has twins inside or triplets." The queen nodded as she agreed that it could be a possibility considering the peculiar size of the scaly silver egg in question.

The couple sat on the grass with their eyes set on the bustling city in front of them. Since Laena despised the King's Landing's filth covered streets, she has been working hard to change the city into a clean and decent place that deserved the title of the realm's capital.

"Do you really want the eggs to hatch?" Daenerys broke the peaceful silence settled between them. "Of course." Her wife replied without hesitation.

Truth be told, Daenerys knew the dragon eggs will not hatch naturally as they are a creation of magic. The Targaryen words are "Fire and Blood" for a reason. Without a sacrifice of life for a life, the eggs will never produce the dragons that Laena is waiting.

"If it is my love's wish, I shall make it happen." The queen left a peck on the rose's forehead lovingly.


Fortnight later, the queen's closest comrades were summoned on the Hill of Rhaenys to witness the birth of the dragons. Laena was screaming at the queen to stop but was halted by Greyworm who received an order to keep the queen consort safe.

Daenerys built a pyre similar to the one she built for her late husband, Drogo. She replicated the details of her children's birth years ago as she lacked the knowledge of the exact requirements to give life to a dragon.

The queen tied three prisoners who will act as blood sacrifices for the Targaryen dragons to the pyre. Ellaria Sand who has been locked in the dungeon ever since her involvement in the queen's poisoning along with the new leaders of the faith militant that was formed in opposition to the queen's marriage before perishing under the dragon fire.

Beginning the ceremony, Daenerys shouted, "Dracarys" for her dragons to lit up the pyre despite Laena's disapproval. The screams of the prisoners echoed through the land as their burning flesh marked the new era of dragons.

The Dragon and the Rose | Daenerys Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now