A cake next to a death

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"Awful lots of people died since we left that shit-hole city." Olenna informed Laena as she overlooks out of her veranda at Highgarden.

"Hmm. Like who?" Laena picked up the wine handed to her by Verana and turned to her grandmother who was reading the letter sent from King's landing.

"Oberyn Martell was killed by the Mountain during the trial by combat. Oh that poor prince died with his head smashed open." Olenna shook her head and continued, "Tywin Lannister was murdered by Tyrion Lannister. His funeral is to take place tomorrow."

"What happened to Tyrion Lannister?" Laena absorbed the information as she calculates the play of power within the realm of Westeros.

"Tyrion Lannister and Lord Varys seem to be missing after the commotion they have caused."

The head lion of Lannister's demise will surely leave the young king with not much of a defence. As the lord of Casterly Rock, Tywin Lannister brought not only army and the riches to the throne but a fear and conspiracies that shielded his children.

But as Olenna taught her granddaughters, there is always a tray of cake next to a death. Without Tywin Lannister's threat to make Loras a Kingsguard, Tyrells can finally reject the union of Loras and Cersei Lannister. The thought brought much appreciated peace to the Tyrell women's minds as it means they can have more preferable match to their heir of Highgarden.

"Will we attend the funeral?" Laena continued the conversation while grabbing a lemon cake.
"What for? It is not like the dead lion will come alive by my presence next to his death bed. I am getting too old to attend these tedious affairs." Olenna sighed which made the youngest rose chuckle.

Ever since their return, the duo have been handling the kingdom's affairs that have been neglected by the Tyrells stay at the capital. As she was taught to govern since young age besides Olenna, Laena was granted permission to be responsible of daily activities of the Lord of Reach. They included meetings with vassal house heads and solving their pressing issues and visiting the regions to check on produces sent throughout the kingdom.

In addition, Laena took the liberty of training the Tyrell knights and soldiers as she fears another war might break out with the death of Tywin Lannister. Since Stannis Baratheon is still breathing, Tyrells are most likely to be dragged into a war again due to her sister's alliance with the Lannisters. She and Olenna both know the lions have far too many enemies to stay still when their defence is at its weakest.

As she soak her exhaustion in a bath filled with water later one day, Laena caught the far away look her handmaiden's face. Now that she think about it, Verana has been distant and silent unlike her giddy nature that amuses Laena since their return at Highgarden.

"What is troubling you, Verana?" She posed the question that startled the other young woman. Verana simply looked away from the curious gaze of her lady and continued to wash Laena.

"Tell me." Laena captured her hands, halting the action she acted to be too immersed in. Not being able to ignore the seriousness in Laena's tone, Verana confessed, "I seem to be with a child, my lady." Staring at her handmaiden's tearful eyes, Laena seem to have lost a word to say back as her eyes traveled down to see the little bump on Verana's stomach she failed to recognize before.

After moments filled with silence and a quiet sob of young Selmy girl, Laena finally broke out of her trance.

"From Loras?" She questioned though she knows the answer already as she was the one who witnessed the incident involving Verana and her brother. Seeing her longtime friend nod, she contemplated whether she has to be happy or alarmed by the news. The babe in Verana's womb is the first child in her family but since it was conceived out of wedlock, it will be considered as a bastard.

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