Black and gold

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As their usual spot at the garden overlooking the Blackwater Bay, Tyrell women were conversing, all dressed in black and gold to mourn the death of a king.

"So, am I the queen?" a widowed queen of Joffrey, Margaery asked her grandmother. "More than you were with Renly. Less than you would have been if Joffrey had done you the courtesy of consummating the marriage before dying." Olenna Tyrell answered, "In any case, this would be an opportune moment to press the issue."

"Clawing at his own throat, looking to his mother to make it stop." Margaery recalled the horrific event she witnessed in her second wedding. "It was horrible."

"The world is overflowing with horrible things. But there is always a tray of cakes next to death." The queen of thorns said dismissively as she was unperturbed by the purple wedding but her two granddaughters were obviously affected by the bloody incident. Seeing the discomfort of Margaery and Laena, Olenna reminisced, "They brought me your grandfather's body when he died, you know? Made me look at it."

"What was it like?" Laenna asked her since this is the first time her grandmother mentioned the day their grandfather died.

"They took me to the Great Hall and there he was. The man I'd married and suffered to father my children. A great doughy lump I'd sat next to at endless dinners and tedious gatherings. There he was lying on a table." Olenna Tyrell told her story with a far away look in her eyes as if she is reliving that brief moment in her past.

"One of my husbands preferred the company of men and was stabbed through the heart. Another was happiest when torturing animals and was poisoned at our wedding feast. I must be cursed." Margaery expressed her inner suffering while smiling with tearful eyes as she was struggling to comprehend her luck in marriage.

Laena stared at her sister pitifully as she knows too well how much Margaery desires to be the queen but odds seem to disfavor her as she is losing her husbands to the hands of death.

"Nonsense. Your circumstances have improved markedly. You may not have enjoyed watching him die, but you enjoyed it more than you would have enjoyed being married to him. I can promise you that." Olenna said which Laena agreed wholeheartedly as she was too concerned about letting that vicious bastard marry her sister.

However, unlike Margaery, she very much enjoyed watching him die as she found a poetic justice in his demise.

"But I would have been the queen." Margaery reasoned, surprised by her grandmother's nonchalance.

"Our alliance with the Lannisters remains every bit as necessary to them as it is unpleasant for us." Laena said sensing the direction Olenna is heading to make her sister's dream come true for real this time.

"Yes, you did wonderful work on Joffrey. The next one should be easier." Olenna smiled and sipped her drink. Laena smiled encouragingly to Margaery, as she prefers the timid and innocent Tommen than monstrous Joffrey.

"I know this one just lost her husband. But what happened to you?" Olenna asked Laena, tired of seeing the same somber look on her granddaughters' beautiful faces.

Laena sat in silence, feeling the other two shifted their attention to her. As much as she enjoyed the death of a Lannister bastard, she was troubled that Sansa Stark went missing during the commotion. As the wife of Tyrion Lannister who is charged with treason and the poisoning of the king, Sansa is bound to be labeled as Tyrion's accomplice if captured. Knowing that, Sansa's disappearance is both a relief and a burden on Laena's mind.


"Did you find anything?" Laena Tyrell questioned her knight whom she sent to search for Sansa's whereabouts. Per order of his lady, Ser Selmy ran around King's Landing discreetly for days as Laena sat waiting in her chambers to not draw unwanted attention to herself. She and Ludwig are both aware how delicate time it is with the king's murderer waiting on his trial and what they have been doing under the nose of Tywin Lannister could jeopardize the fate of house Tyrell. Ludwig Selmy looked down on the ground as his efforts were all in vain,

"No, my lady. It is as if Lady Sansa vanished into thin air."

"Maybe that is a good thing. If that is the case, Lannisters will have as little chance of finding her as we do." Verana attempted to lessen the worry of her lady who stared back at her and nodded defeatedly. "I pray whoever aided her treats her well."

Upon hearing Laena's words, Ludwig assured her, "No one with ill intention would hide her knowing Lannisters are on her tail." It is true that aiding Sansa could cost one their head which makes the situation more questionable. Who could have sacrificed so much for what end? Laena asked herself but soon her thoughts were interrupted my her headmaid.

"Do you think she really aided in poisoning the king? Considering how she escaped." Verana questioned out of curiosity which made the Tyrell girl consider the possibility for the first time as her priority was to identify Sansa's safety above all else so far.

Laena thinks it is unlikely since she believes Sansa is not a person to resort to murdering someone even if it is Joffrey Baratheon. However, she also knows life hasn't been treating Sansa well which could result in drastic changes within a person.

"It is the duty of the trial judges to discover who murdered the king, not me. As her friend my only interest lies with her wellbeing." Laena answered thoughtfully, halting any further questioning from her trusted friends as her hand mindlessly ran through the golden embroidery of rose on her black dress.


As the day of the trial came near, Olenna Tyrell decided to leave King's Landing with Laena who seemed astonished by the sudden change of plans, "Are you sure it is wise to leave Margaery alone here? Surely, my brother and father won't be much of a service to her."

"Your sister is a smart girl. She can handle things here. I taught her well and I taught you well too. When the day comes you too shall learn to lead on your own." Olenna Tyrell stroked the soft cheek of her granddaughter who had a deep frown on her face.

"But Margaery and Tommen's match hasn't been finalized yet. Shouldn't we stay to see through the trial, coronation and her wedding to Tommen?" Laena questioned since it seemed quite irrational to leave at the moment as all the things her house wagered is on the line.

"Since that monstrous boy is gone, the biggest threat to your sister is gone. There isn't much left for me to do for your sister here."

"What do you mean?" Laena asked quizzically.

Upon staring at her youngest rose's eyes, Olenna decided not to reveal her involvement in poisoning of Joffrey to Laena as she did to Margaery a day before. She was informed of Laena's interest in Sansa Stark and considered her protective act to save Margaery from hellish marriage might not sit well with Laena and her noble nature.

"Your father is one of the judges at the trial and Tywin Lannister expressed his intention to make Mace the new Master of Ships during the purple wedding. He and Loras can assist Margaery. But we must not forget our duty to rule the Reach." Olenna said instead.

Though not quite understanding Olenna's intentions, Laena agreed on the importance of filling the empty seat of Highgarden during the absence of her father. Without Sansa's presence in King's Landing, she cannot see any reason to deny the chance to go back home.

As their carriage leaves the capital soon after, Laena could not imagine that the next time she will see the city she despises the most is beside the dragon queen, Daenerys Targaryen.

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