Bastard king and Lady Commander

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Euron Greyjoy, Lord Reaper of Pyke and King of the Iron Islands, wielded his two-handed battleaxe in combat upon confronting the Targaryen fleet on his way to the King's Landing. The man grinned as the rush of battle pumped through his veins. The victory he shall have here will surely aid in his proposal to Cersei Lannister and shall be a gift to win the heart of the new queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

His fleet as thirsty for blood as their king advanced towards the silver queen's fleet without a single strand of doubt in their drowned hearts. However, they were unprepared for the ear piercing screech followed by firestorm that lit up the moonless night.

Nowhere to run, ironborns must have thought as they forge ahead to the Targaryen fleet nevertheless, killing as many as they can before meeting their ends. Euron Greyjoy's maniacal grin widened as he spotted his niece on the armada. The usurper king ordered his warship, Silence to lock onto the Targaryen head ship, Black dragon with a corvus and boarded their ship with their men to finally eliminate his only rival to the salt throne, Yara Greyjoy.

The ensuing battle began as the uncle and niece circled each other, seeing the deadly intentions in each other's eyes. Soon after, Euron disarmed his niece and launched forward to finally end her life but his wielded axe was blocked by a long sword belonged to Laena Tyrell.

Euron Greyjoy menacingly glared at the beautiful woman in golden armor. As they started engaging in a duel, Laena was astonished by the skills of the ironborn who seem to gain strength by every passing moment as he truly enjoyes battles and bloods.

Despite blocking his attack, edge of his axe's blade sunk into Laena's shoulder due to the immense force Euron swung his battleaxe with. Using her Dragon's Thorn's hilt, Laena hit the throat of the ironborn, causing him to stumble a few steps back. The young Tyrell advanced forward and pierced through his chest but the King of Iron Islands proved himself to be a madman even at his last breath. Euron Greyjoy grabbed the young rose's sword deep in his chest to halt her movement just to hold up his battleaxe at the Tyrell using his last strength. But before he swung down, his head was cut off. As Laena blinked to clear the blood of the Lord Reaper from her eyes, she saw Yara Greyjoy picking up his uncle's severed head to address her fellow ironborns to surrender. Since Viserion's fire already engulfed half of Euron's fleet, the remaining survivors dropped their weapons at the command of Yara, ending the Battle of Shipbreaker Bay.

At the next day, in Laena's cabin on Black Dragon sailing back to the Dragonstone, Yara insisted to care the young rose's wound.

"There is no need. I can clean the wound myself." Laena persistently denied the Queen of Iron Islands.

"It is the least I can do after you saved my life." Yara stubbornly stepped towards the rose whose eyes widened. Laena held Yara's stretched hand to halt her movement from touching her. "You saved my life as well. So, we owe each other nothing."

Laena's serious tone finally caused the ironborn to retreat. Since the battle ended in surrender, they have gained more men than they have lost at the hand of Euron Greyjoy. But the battle took the life of Obara Sand, one of the Sand Snakes who have assisted Laena and Yara.

"You should visit the Sand Snakes in my stead to express our condolences. Losing a kin is always a dreadful affair." Lady Tyrell stared at the Greyjoy who nodded in agreement. Once the ironborn left her cabin, Laena opened the message came with raven from Tyrion Lannister, informing her of the arrival of Jon Snow at Dragonstone.

Unsettling feeling caused the Lady Tyrell to seek asylum on the deck under the night sky. As she was staring at the stars while hearing the gentle sounds of waves, she was joined by an unexpected company.

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